Character missing after exiting game

After weeks after release AND of progress, character vanished after leaving a game, wich is my main and only one. This is unbelievale.



First post 16 days old. So instead of fixing the problem they make it worse and cause more to experience it. 16 days? Are you serious???
Well, I spent that 16 days building several lvl 80+ char. I make $125 per hour at work. How many hours did they just steal from me and what are those hours worth?? 16 days… Blizz… 16 days.

i lost all of my big chars and my mules for runes and gems -_-

They’ve posted on twitter about it.

Same happend just right now.
All chars gone!! Was starting going into hell with my javazon
WTF Blizzard???

Same here. I was looking forward to some early morning gaming. Not only is my character gone but I am unable to make a new one. Its telling me to connect to the internet, even though I am streaming a movie while writing this. I boycotted Blizzard after many shoddy releases and disappointing games. I felt maybe this release might redeem themselves but its obvious they only care about profits.

They are back for me! Let’s see if they rolled back on the experience and items

Annnnnnd, “this character is already on a game on this server”… :-1:

Character is back and all items also. Us “Grown Adults” need to stop acting like baby’s. Just saying things happen, things break. We all say I want my money back and I’m done with this. But we all know at the end of the day we will always come back. Just stop crying about it. Sound like a bunch of spoiled brats.

I’m still missing my sorc for 5 days now. So they only fixed a problem that happend today and not the random deletion of characters…

Id really like my sorc back.

Speak for yourself on the always coming back wagon. If my characters disappear I am done. I’ll go back to playing my D2SE or whatever else I feel like playing. Don’t act like this is all fine and Blizzard can do no wrong. Weirdly, long time Blizzard fans have been trained to prefer fully finished games that maybe take a little longer to be released. When was the last time that was actually the case though? My take on why people are so touchy is that many of these same customers are the people blizz already shafted on the Warcraft 3 remake. I can handle the servers going down for a bit or some lag every once in the while. Stuff happens. Delete all my progress 2 weeks after release date because your game doesn’t work? Not fine.

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This happened to me again this morning. My characters came back from yesterday but they are gone again now. I don’t usually use blizzard games, where can I find updates on the issues and when they are fixed?

Still gone :frowning:
I saw the server issues and emergency maintenance right after I lost my char. I come back the next day and its still gone. I don’t know if I’ll ever get it back. I don’t want to keep playing after losing all that progress and there’s no communication on the deleted characters from bliz. This sucks.

Hi all, my chars went missing today. So basically from what I understand from the last posts on this thread, there is a risk that my chars won’t be coming back ?

This issue happened to me a few times since launch but I always ended up retrieving them. Would be nice to have them for a sunday afternoon though

Your characters are not “gone”. They are safely saved on Blizz server. The problem is that for some unknown reason, we are not able to fetch them from the servers. So it appears as if you have no online character because your character information are stored on Blizz servers and we cannot connect to them … gg Just happened again to me today, two days in a row … cmon


same here, saturday AND sunday morning. just got up wanted to play before the day gets started but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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we’re all on same boat guys we just have to wait some maintenance

Nope - my char is gone. Nothing happens, still mad. Blizz dont give a sht. No response, no a single word about “we are workin and know bout this problem/doin smth”. Every day people report that their characters are missing. I see no point in playing this, at least for now. They do not want to refund. Apparently they don’t want to fix the game either. They also don’t want to talk about it on the forum, here. Welp, GG - modern Blizzard.