Character missing after exiting game

same here? can we got some info when its getting fixed?

Same, my roommate and I were playing and I discovered I couldnā€™t re-join the game after switching characters. I re-launched the game (as that has resolved the issue in most cases) and everything is gone. He was also re-launching and his characters are gone too. Can we at least get a response indicating youā€™re aware of the issue and working on it, Blizzard?

All chars gone here as well, fix this buggy game blizz!!

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There is a post on the header of Diablo now ā€“ saying there is a slow or failed Authentication issue at the moment and they are investigating it and will give updates as they are available

There is a problem with the Authenticating servers, so no worries guys your character isnt gone. but its a darn weekend i hope they fix it fast LOL

Same thing happened to me this morning. Guess the information about my account/characters could not be retrieve from the server ā€¦

Missing all of my characters as well. The game launches really slowly and when it finally gets to the character selection screen everything is missing, yet it will let me make a new character which is concerning. I hope they can fix this - it would be a huge reason to not want to play again.

Yeah, same problem. All characters gone, cant create a new one. Absolute everything fā€¦ed up. The same problem exists since launch and Blizz cant fix it. What the hell are they doing? Stop pissn around and fix your game

Yep not only has my character which Iā€™ve put countless hours into disappeared, but I am unable to create a new character either. Blizzard the multimillion dollar spile. Im so done with this company. No wonder youā€™re becoming a fing joke.

Well, was fun while it lasted. Thanks for making my characters poof Blizzard! Guess Iā€™ll go find something else to play.

Good. I hope someone is DDOSing them into the ground. They deserve it for being so incompetent.

My amazon vanish after i got DC. Cant find it anymore :confused:

Now Blizzard has a big problem. I canā€™t even imagine how big.
Hope its only some servers offline but I also canā€™t play atm, no chars.

all characters goneā€¦WTF

I saved and exited the game, the loading screen to go back into the menus from a game froze. After I restarted D2R all my characters are now gone!

My sorc disappear as well. To be honest, I do not care anymore. Just give me my money back!

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Same here, my Ama is gone. just wanted to start on nightmare. If it doesnā€™t come back, refund. But I think it will come back. Betting that there is some connectivity Problem and thats all, so I am now waiting for it to get fixed.

ionoā€¦everything else is in working order.

All my characters are gone from my D2R account. lvl 88 barb, 82 sorc, 70+ zon, 80+ necro, several others as mules, ALL GONE!!
This is not a free game, we paid for this. This is theft by deception and fraud. I see the forums, a LOT of people are about to start demanding refunds. I want compensation for the time I spent that I have now been robbed of. If my char. donā€™t come back weā€™re going to have BIG problems from me and a LOT of other grown adults. Itā€™s unlawful to sell broken products. This is NOT beta testing, this is LIVE GAME!!! REAL PEOPLES LIVES YOUR MESSING WITH. We spend days, weeks, hundreds of hours and you just STOLE THAT FROM US!!!
This is an exact copy of the ticket I submitted to Blizz.
There will be no making new char. if these donā€™t come back. That would be insanity, repeating the same thing, expecting a diff result. Things like this is why we left the game 10+ years ago. We donā€™t have patience for this nonsense. I just go play COD, or Apex. They know how to make games playable.
We are at the mercy of these Tyrants!!! Something has to be done!!!

I only have about one hour today that I know Iā€™ll be able to actually do something I want to doā€¦ Kind of annoying that I go to start doing it and I canā€™tā€¦
Also, that at first glance it looks like tens of hours (or more!) have been lostā€¦