Character missing after exiting game

DCed and now char is stuck in game.


Someone got problem with act3??? I cant enter act3 in every game modality, on normal, nightmare and even in hellā€¦iā€™m stuck in loading screen every time i take wp to lut gholein or every other act3 wp

Edit: cannot go over act2ā€¦every wp is bugged. Infinite loading screen when try to go act3, 4 or 5ā€¦incredible

EU and asia servers are down all we have to wait for some emergency maintenance

Same, but I played offline all the time. And after disconnected, my baby necro was gone
Idk why or how can I get him back, and I canā€™t create a new one with same name (MYP)
Too hard to start again, please give him back to me