Character missing after exiting game

has anyone experinced it happening twice on their account? Do not really want to play before we know what is up and down…

Here is the official answer to all suffering:

Really really hoping ill get my sorc back from roughly a week ago… please work on this how can you just vanish peoples character and not have a resolution for an entire week… GET TO WORK COMON

i just lost my level 81 offline babar… for no reason. i am upset. also since my babar is gone, i cant play on my other offline charas, it always kicks me out…

Bug still going on! All my chars vanished!

Confirming another case. Lost a good 15h of progress. This is insane.

You end up getting it back?? mine just did same thing

Same, everything gone. Happened just now on EU Servers

@CurtisQ did your char came back?

Same behavior for me :frowning: everything away

All characters gone, lost a86 sorc, 86 assa, lots of good gear… hope this can be restored.

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I also just lost all online characters, completely empty… had about 12 characters there, 5 of which had a lot of time played in them.

same here, Sorc 85 has gone.

Mine has happened twice, the first time was when they rolled the new patch a couple of weekends ago.

Same all char gone and cannot create new char

Lost all my stuff too. Don’t know what I expected from blizzard nowadays. They don’t even have anything to say about it.

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My characters all disappeared as well… anyone know what’s happening?

All my online chars are also gone, been playing for some houers today, had a wierd DC and now they are gone.
Hope they will return…

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Lost all my online char !!!

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I also got this too.