Character missing after exiting game

Logged into Diablo II Resurrected about 30 min ago and my level 3 online character is there but my level 20 Offline character is missing. Please fix this Blizzard as I don’t want to grind through 20 levels again.

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Me too. Sorceress. I am on PC, My Amazon that I did not play is still there but my Sorceress is gone. I hit save and exit when I logged off last night.

Same. Got to level 20, logged out and when I got back my char was gone. Very frustrating that this is happening to so many players and makes me feel like I wasted money on an unfinished product.

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alright, i thought it was done with this issue, just got Dc on my lvl 20 and now i cant get back in…

The Character I was playing on last night seems to have been removed from my offline Tab.
All of the online, as well as the other low level offline characters are still available, but the level 16 Necromancer that I finished Act 1 on last night seems to have been removed.
All of the items and gold I dropped into the shared stash, is still available to the other offline characters.
I’m playing on the EU servers.
I was not disconnected, I exited through the “Save and Exit” menu option to return to the lobby and then closed the software with the “Exit Diablo II” button from the game lobby.


same, completely absurd… It’s possible to manually back up your saves but like, it’s so dumb that you have to do that when real diablo 2 you can task manager kill the game and it will still save everything, makes no sense.

The only thing I can think of is making the save folder not read only, though I don’t feel like wasting my time again to see if it works

i play 1min and disconect.My character disapear from list


Yep have the same problem played couple of quest gained some level I kill the countess exit the game my character is back to level 2… Blizzard fix this because as of now MP is unplayable…

Well, this just happened to me, as well. Level 6 Sorceress, online character now gone, after yet another insta-crash when attempting to return to Rogue Camp. Not sure it’s worth playing now until an update is made to fix these errors.

My online character is no longer listed or available. Left last night with level 24 and today nothing… please

Created a character yesterday, got to level 10 before I left for work, came home character no longer there. Made another character got to level 10, went to bed, just woke up and logged in another character not there. 2 level 10s gone so far.

This also happened to me on my lvl 69 sorc, closed game and now I have no chars when I relog :frowning:

Same here… My online character is no longer listed or available

Ok, I’m really upset. Spent all evening getting up to Act 3 and now my character is gone!!

Well, ALL of the online characters I created yesterday are GONE. Including my almost lvl 30. They aren’t in my list anymore, none of them. What’s up with that Blizzard?

Had two characters, a level 10 barb and a level 20 assassin and now they have both disappeared. they were both online characters, please help!

I got to level 22. I left game for dinner - came back. character’s gone. Now my question is do i get it back or it’s lost forever?

All my characters are gone after restarting launcher and diablo… GG…

Same the second char until now lvl 20 went missing after log out and in again.

was able to be in lobby for a while and now my 49 sorc is gone and no longer listed.