Character lost. diablo 2 resurrected

Was playing the game just now, exited to lobby, couldn’t enter another game - said my character could not be found. Exited back to toon selection - after a long wait, all toons are GONE. Exited the game, logged back in, long pause again at toon selection screen - all my toons are GONE.

Same here. All of my characters are missing and I was playing like 6 hours ago.

Adding to the thread my characters are lost and i can’t create new ones.

I thinks is a server connection problem

I also lost both my online charachters this morning. Less than 12 hours ago I was playing only, got my Sorc to lvl 57 and went to sleep. Just to find on a Sunday morning that had it disappeared, together with the Barb I just started. Nothing worked, I’ve done everything other than reinstalling the game, but based on all your comments above - the problem seems to be bigger than my client/installed game.


Same today lost all chars

Servers are down, toons are not “Gone”………Go outside for awhile


Same here, please fix this.

Yeah, mine just vanished as of this moment >.<

Same problem here, my 2 online characters are missing since yesterday…

can’t even create new ones so it’s definetly (another) server problem (on weekends, thanks blizzard)

same thing just happend to me. Logged on, and everything is gone. all characters

I am having the same issue, Blizzard better fix this

I just dropped Ber. Nevermind, all my characters disapeared.

Lost two online characters. Pressed “save and quit” in Lut Holein, then got the black screen. Alt+F4 to close, started the game and cant see both characters. Restarted launcher, logged in - same thing, no chars.
As I can see there is still no official Blizzard comments to this situation. Thats really bad.

+1 with me …
They’re probably working on it seeing how many players are impacted …
Hopefully it won’t last too long !


Tried to switch chars, and the character I selected had an error saying the character no longer existed. Restarted and no all 10+ of my online chars are gone.

Happened to me too. For a game like Diablo 2 this is really not acceptable at all.

both of my characters are gone and im unable to make new characters. characters disappeared from my online characters. comeon blizz, this is why everyone hates yall.

Same here… EU region.

Same here, 10 minutes ago I tried to create a game, but it didn’t work. Then, when I went to the home screen, all my characters were gone ?!