Character lost. diablo 2 resurrected

Same issue, tried to switch regions, tried to create a new char but it fail, tried to restart but nothing, was doing some Chaos run then save & exit and now all char are gone wtf !

Same thing here. All of my characters disappeared.

or what? What will YOU do if they don’t

Такая же история, утром 10 октября я играл своим паладином, зашел после полудня и нет ни одного моего персонажа. Все мои персонажи были на вкладке “В сети”

yep adding to the list. lost 4 of my characters. 2 mid level 80’s

me too. Lost the online character. WTF Blizzard this is not acceptable!

same… europe
just thrown out of the client, and after entering the character is absent and new ones are not created


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Eu region. Just hit 73 with sorc an hour ago lost it with an anotther char…

same here . i dont have my character

My Chars are deleted too. i cant make a new char or play anything

I have the same issue right now. It’s a red flag for me. Blizzard tech should really take a look at this. This is really unacceptable right now for the price we pay. First time i have this kind of technical issue.

I was just playing and got disconnected, after loging in back again i lost all my characters, this is so frustrating, only blizzard can make their game flop

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Same here. All online characters are gone. I can only make new offline or play offline characters. :frowning:

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Sorc gone, my own fault for buying from Blizzard again. D4 can suck it.

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Lost my Lvl70 Druid and lvl16 Assassin too. Save and Exit and when came back, the characters are gone

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Looks like there is currently a server issue, I doubt everyone has lost their characters, give it a few hours, and wait for a blizzard comment

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It’s not being a Crybaby or anything.
You pay for a game and a service, the least you have to expect is that it work as expected !
And off course when you log into an online game and see everything missing after spending time in it, that’s enough to make anyone angry.
On top of that, we better be keep repporting this, if nobody do it how do you expect Blizzard to do their work ?
We’ll see when you’ll have the same issue and all of your char go missings all of the suddent.


of course, it’s scary when you log in to possibly hundreds of hours of time seemingly gone, I am at least now, being greeted with a ‘failed to connect to server’ message, rather than it seemingly having deleted my characters

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