Character Disappeared

Hi, I had a level 4 Sorc. The game crashed and I logged back in and my character is no longer there.


Same thing just happened to me…

same here, just totally gone after restarting. Restarted because I had the “character is already in a game” bug

Level 7+ sorceress not visible on character selection screen. Happened after relogging since I couldn’t create or join games.

I had a Necromancer, and game lost connection. upon relaunching, character is gone. :frowning:

Now unable to stay connected to

Update: My character returned. Yay!

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Seems like there is a server issue, I am not surprised @launches LOL

Yeah. no kidding. You think with so many years of experience, they would have this issue a non-issue.

Just lost my sorc here too. Level 7-8.

Same thing just happened to me after trying to ID items through Cain. Had a message stating something about waiting for transaction to finish, game froze, and restarted to having no character

Same for me! Can’t identify item so i close the game and restart! no more character.

Same here, seems to be a common issue on the server side with online characters…

Same here I thought, but I clicked create new character, immediately exited back out and she was there! so just hit escape

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Same. I had created one of each char. Was lvling my sorc, got to around lvl 8 and it wouldnt let me identify items anymore. Tried re-logging and all characters are gone. Just get the message “cant not connect to bnet servers”

same here. level 12 sorc.

Damn… I can see now the chars but same error cannot login… =/

try clicking create new then hitting escape, your character might show back up

Too many people and same time on server! that make some bug!
its impossible to see how server gonna react with to many people connect in same time.


Same here.
There error i was getting :
“Failed to enter this game.
This character could not be found on the server.
Please try again.”

Restarted and reloaded the game. Character gone. Got another error when trying to create a new one: "An issue occurred while communicating with the game servers. Please check that you are connected to the internet and try again.

Yay Launch Day!

To fix the issus.

  1. Click on Create New Character
  2. Back

Everything is back!