Changes to PTR....some of these make no sense

Feel free to share your thoughts with the devs on Llama’s latest video. Since they only seem to listen to him and his community.

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I saw this as well, even he was bummed by the hydra change, and he looks surprised by it as well. Again, no one asked for it to go back down to 3%. Yet they did it anyway.

They nerfed all auras, even cold aura hahaha, so stupid! The dmg from cold aura did nothing at all, even with buffs.

These devs are clueless.

Some other guy called Cooley did a video, its on he forums here recently posted. He showed how you could kill things with hydras from 3 screens away without them even knowing you were there. IE, they didnt respond.

Also - Llama (omg /scream) showd the damage values. down from 6k to 4.8k? Its still a really wonderful to play game - and will work. Hydra is fine. Auradin is fine. If anything, they may just see the stick again.

Yeah, it makes zero sense. The damage scaling they introduced was nice in general and then they just reverted it. So dumb.

Anyway - whatever we have now lets release. I dont mind a 4 month ladder of testing 2.4 Id gladly take it now. Im salivating at the thought of ladder. All my characters are dead on HC now, not making another until ladder comes.

Again, for full hydra, it’s fine, but no one is going to do that, they wanted to do hydra/orb. Also, for the past 20 years you could moat trick Mephisto, so what he showed is nothing new and makes no sense that he was even mentioning that.

I did think that. But that he was on his spawn point and didnt move the entire time made me think its more than the moat. I should test it really, but im sure someone else will :smiley:

If it is just because of the moat though, i agree its not definitely awful and could use further testing.

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You could always tele spawn hydra and then move back 2 screens. It was weak before and ptr buffed it so it’s on par with blizzard. Now, it’s still ok by itself if you full spec the fire tree, but, again, no one is going to full spec hydra, it’s not viable in hell.

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Yeah who cares about greendude and other amazing mods who kept the game more alive x10000 with Project D2 and Path of Diablo :clown_face:

Cooley is a dumb handout casual who supports d2scumjsp, everything he says has as much value as a person with explosive diarrhea who says “I don’t need to go to the toilet”

Exactly. Those mods are far superior to D2R. They could take some notes, but won’t. They’ll just listen to Llama.

Maybe I’m the idiot and Blizzard are the smart ones. Apparently Hydra sorc is still viable.