i mean yes its a flat power buff, but honestly melee class already get shafted compared to casters… and not many uniques spawn with indy.
and self repair already isnt restricted
it would be nice to be able to find an ETH cranium basher.
whether or not to remove it on phaseblade is a different story.
im not sure im ok with that. but for unique items it seems a like a relatively safe thing to do
but i see no reason why cant roll eth tyreals or some other cool indy uniques that literally have no use atm.
eth+indestructible seems fine.
For phaseblade dilemma - ethereal phase blade is around + ±52 avg dmg - so Grief would get +16 more avg dmg, not much but it is higher.
eth Lightsabre seems ok.
eth Azurewrath would jump from 120 to 180 avg dmg. Just nice, not op.
eth BOTD 400%ed in phaseblade = ±260 avg dmg, but super fast.
eth Death 385%ed in phaseblade = ±250 avg dmg, 50%cb, 40+% deadly strike
Grief = 450 avg dmg, 20% deadly strike
I would say if phaseblade should be also possible eth+indestructible, just nerf Grief by -20 dmg and its fine.
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I agree and i would give self repair to all items with indestructibility instead.
That’s a sad workaround imho
Indestructible is meant to be a very special affix, a legendary one
They should try to manage a way to make indestructible items spawn eth
Like reworking indestructible affix to be secretly 1000 repair/sec
Yeah, I could get on board with this too. I mean, default “indies” are already rare, a what? 5% chance to roll Eth? That would add some spice to the RNG.
I don’t see any reason this would significantly upset the balance of the game. If anything, it may provide slight relief from perceived Grief mandate.
360 on eth grandfather max ed one handed. 292 with lowest roll.
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I love how people talk about Grand Father and phase Blade
butcher pupil be like 
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Butchers pupil is not an ultra rare elite unique, it would be very good when ethereal though - i feel it has its place.
I love the thought of this - Grandfather especially. Eth Grandfather with 3 sockets might just get used - for now, its not ever getting used. By anyone. Ever.
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Eth grandfather one handed with 3 ohm socketed would have 462 average damage.
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When I made my 2.5 Class Sets topic, which you can preview here: 2.5 Class Set topic, my work around for IK Maul was changing the Indestructible mod to Self Repair(1 Durability every 4 seconds). As it stands, if something is inherently Indestructible, it can never roll Ethereal unless it ROLLS Ethereal all the time like Shadow Killer Battle Cestus for example.
Another idea I had floating around in my mind was to change Anya’s quest reward after killing Nihlathak from personalizing an item to adding Ethereal modifier to any given item, even one that is Indestructible(Bows/Crossbows would obviously be exempt unless you want to change that?). Meaning, Normal, Rare, Magic, Unique and even Set items would apply(So you can get Ethereal Aldur Boots, Ethereal IK Maul, etc.). Granted I’d love for Ethereal flag to roll on Set Items to begin with but it’d be a way to ensure getting Ethereal items for your characters without having to painstakingly hope an Ethereal flag rolls on X item. Other idea I had for her quest was to have her add/change Staff Mods but I think the Ethereal reward would instantly make A5 Q4 a given to be completed due to how valuable Ethereal modifier is on items.
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the pain if you finally have a unid ethereal grandfather on the ground. maybe it even rolled 3 sockets. but the worst. only 150% ed roll on it.
So 3x Ohm Eth Grandfather is still worse damage than a Grief?
Additionally, much much slower, no ITD, no demon damage, no DS, higher requirements? dang.
yep. it’s hard to beat the mighty Grief.
Anti-perfect Eth GF is still better than perfect non-eth
Because the ethereal buff applies to the base and therefor is enhanced by the Ed%
[115*1.5] * 2.5=431
115 * 3.5= 402
base damage is 45. but yea. probably don’t wanna use ohm’s in it.
[45*1.5] * 2.5=168 + 123,5 (max damage)= 291 (+34 damage per ohm)
45 * 3.5=157,5 + 123,5 (max damage) = 281 (+33 damage per ohm)
what do you mean? it’s the average base damage on one handed CB.
Where are you finding eth grey/white Phase Blades?
Because x1.5 is such a difficult math calculation to do…
Also allow sets to roll ethereal
An additional 16 damage on Grief?