Can we get an "official" Blue comment on the Cold Mastery change?

I am thinking of it in combination with Infinity.

With the conviction aura coming close to breaking the immune on its own, cold mastery will be able to -100 even monsters that were previously very high cold resist.

Again. You obviously don’t understand how it is working.

At level 20 CM is -115. You don’t break immunity until -135 on many monsters.

When immunity is “broken”, you are not doing your full damage, but whatever portion past the -135% that CM gives you.

People don’t remember before patch 1.08 so just assume it breaks the immunity 100%. It DOES NOT.


We should totally consider game balance based around someone actually getting 2 ber runes for infinity. which without botting is not really that often unless someone just gives you stuff when they quit.


This makes more sense, but still seems like an outlier.

Again, I am taking into account Infinity.

If they stack cold sorc got a massive buff.

the damage from lightning mastery and the -res from infinity stack, do they not?

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Which is why the CM nerf in 1.08 never made sense.


Of course they would, lightning mastery increases damage, not reduce resistance.

If you have two massive sources of reducing resistance, suddenly you can do double damage even to monsters that were 135% cold resist.

damage is damage is damage, whether you have double damage from light mastery or double damage from -res whats the diff

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Cold mastery is the reason monsters had such high cold resistance. It was deliberately hard to break it with conviction auras.

With a lightning, all you get is damage from your mastery. Conviction from infinity breaks the immunity but leaves them with some resistance.

With cold, conviction almost breaks the immune, then mastery can lower it to -100 like it does with things that are not cold immune. That is massively better than what lightning can get with infinity.

Edit: to be clear, I am not saying whether or not I think this is a bad thing. I am saying it is a massive buff to cold sorcs in the late game though. And its not just infinity specifically, you could just have a paladin with you running conviction as well.

The game prior to patch 1.08 would argue with that logic.

A skill shouldn’t be balanced based on what one runeword that a player may get can do, that’s just poor game mechanics.


See my edit.

Conviction is not limited to only infinity.

I am not sure why you keep mentioning 1.08, as that was before immunes were so commonly used as a balancing measure. They were pretty rare to see before 1.10 iirc.

Because 1.08 prior to 1.08 Cold mastery was as it is currently in Resurrected.

Okay then. A situation where you have one item, and/or a friend to run with should not impact skill balancing.


Are you saying a cold sorc being able to get -100 resist on monsters that were previously nigh invincible to cold from any source is not a massive buff?

This is not true at all. I am in hell with 25 cold mastery and it barely does a few select monsters that I can damage. All Undead with cold immunity cannot be hit with cold no matter what I try as well.


I’m saying in certain situations it is strong, but in normal play it is not a big deal.



try again with ~40 and infinity :slight_smile:

I would consider it pretty normal for a late game sorc to have access to infinity.

Yes, it takes high runes. Those are hard to get. Not impossible to get.

This is a balance change, and a pretty large one in my opinion. VV said they were not going to do that.

Again, to be clear, I am not saying whether I think this is a bad thing or not. It is most definitely a buff to cold sorc however.

You wouldnt need more than 20s to hit -100 resists with Infinity. It nearly breaks resistance by itself.

Sheesh, this make Sorc super easy.

Seems like it’s a 20 year old bug that finally got fixed. Now works the same as as amplify damage, conviction and lower resist. What’s the problem?