Can we get an "official" Blue comment on the Cold Mastery change?

I hope it is a new feature and not a bug. Watching some youtube videos on it, it is not quick and in some cases like Eldritch and his minions it does not work, so it makes sense as described above. If monsters have 100 cold res and you have -135 cold res you do approx 35% dmg. But if monsters have 136 cold res your -135 won’t cut it…

My D2lod sorc is meteorb for that reason, dual element with a merc for physical means most things can be killed one way or the other.

So as long as it is not full dmg I think that is how cold mastery was supposed to work.


Maybe, once the game actually works.

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I just want Blizzard to actually hit enemies standing dead center in the middle of it.


yeah, the damage to cold immunes is still super crap; its not efficient or effective to spam cold to kill them so it sounds like people are complaining without any actual understanding of it


as op said, it’d be nice to have blue confirmation.

i’d like to know if the game is doomed to have 100% sorceresses or not lol

this needs a response ASAP. They kept saying “its the same game under the graphics”. Then how is this possible???

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OK, so i went to the cold plains as well … and yes, some of the cold immunes are taking damage. lol.

NO, THAT IS NOT RIGHT… for anyone saying it is.

Bug detected.


Cold mastery broke immunes the way it is currently prior to patch 1.08.


I noticed this as well. Nightmare radament was Immune to cold and i still FrozenOrbed him to death, was legit confused as hell.

Is this game running on the newest 1.14D patch? It must be

That’s interesting, I didn’t realize, my memory only goes so far back lol. 1.07 patch notes doen’t say anything specifically about CM, but these are two interesting points:

  • Monsters in Nightmare/Hell difficulty, have higher [Resistances]
  • Allowed [Conviction] to reduce an enemy’s resistance to a negative value.

So there were some interesting changes regarding resistances. I wonder why CM was changed, or whether it was just a result of one of the other changes.

Yeah, I had to look into it too!

Patch notes 1.08 - “Cold mastery will not affect cold immune monsters”

almost makes you wonder what other pre 1.08 “quirks” could still be in the game lol

Ah it’s 1.08, ok.

That’s funny. 2 other notes from 1.08:

  • Conviction does not affect immunities.
  • [Lower Resist] and [Amplify Damage] do not affect immunities.

They must have reverted those ones later, but not CM for whatever reason.

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Very strange,

Always seemed wrong that CM wasn’t included in the beating cold immunes like conviction does…

It takes a full 20 point investment to make it useful which seems fair.


I think it would still say cold immune if it were intended, because the cold mastery only works for the sorc, not the rest of the party.

I do think it is probably unintended though.

I’m not sure what you mean here. Cold mastery is one of the most powerful passives in the game, even without the bug. It doesn’t need 20 points to be useful. In fact when cold immunes ignored mastery most would put fewer points into it. As long as you had just enough to get monsters that were not cold immune -100 cold resist the rest was useless.

Cold mastery is the reason there were so many cold immunes in the first place.

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It has to be a bug, because if it was an intentional change, it would be absolutely reta***d - other skills would become meaningless as another guy mentioned

I don’t think you quite understand. Many cold immunes have 135ish Cold res. You need at least - that to “break” the immunity. And even then say you have -140% you are only doing 5% of your damage at that point.

It doesn’t just turn off the immunity, but lets some damage slide through.


you guys are acting like cold mastery actually allows you to do real dps to a monster, if youre in single player with lvl 24 cold mastery and maxed frozen orb and ice bolt hitting a regular white cold immune monster is like attacking baal.

What other level 30 skill in the game is only useful to x amount of points then almost completely useless. past -100 cold res cold mastery points are a waste.

its not like it breaks the immunity and you one shot the mobs. nevermind the unique mobs that are still basically unkillable without your merc.

on fire and light. you put 20 points into their masteries because every pt is good. like i said cold mastery is not this way. still even with the “breaking” of cold immunities for almost all monsters having more than -100 is still useless.

i havent played with super good gear so idk what its like with 30-40 cold mastery so who knows what happens then.

im also getting a kick out of the people thinking this is so gamebreaking that you cant play anything else. have you guys seen a hdin or light sorcs damage? hdin in 1.10 was so incredibly gamebreaking it changed the game forever. not to mention the entire lack of magic immunes in most farmable places. Baal 2nd wave is the most common place for magic immunes.


You said it takes a 20 point investment for the skill to be useful, this is not true. It is the most powerful passive in the game.

As long as something is not immune, you can easily get every monster to -100 cold resistance. The reason monsters have such high cold resist is so you can’t break it with Conviction etc.

If this stays in the game, cold sorcs got an absolutely MASSIVE buff, and they will now be the easiest class to MF with in the game.

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