Can we get an "official" Blue comment on the Cold Mastery change?

This will cover everything.
Yeah immune just means over 100%.
If you break it with your reductions their immune status gets removed.

For example casting Amp damage curse on wraiths will remove ‘physical’ because you are breaking their immunity.

To be fair though… cold is absolutely broken and has always been broken. I’m glad it works like it works now because it makes you have to figure out either respecing or not relying 100% on cold. It is insane how much you can destroy entire maps in seconds with frozen orb or blizzard

The cold mastery bug seems to be fixed with whatever they did to servers today. My cold mastery is no longer piercing on mobs I know it was yesterday.

People that play hack n slash ARPGs for tactics and difficulty are game ruiners. Go play Dark Souls. This is about finessing your mf routines and speed increases.

Agreed. Fixing bugs is not the same thing as a balance change because it was not the developers intentions for cold mastery to be broken. D2r cold mastery is blizzards Norths vision for that skill as far as we can tell rn.

Buffing random skills to affect the meta are balance changes. This is a bug fix. It has limiting factors that seems to indicate someone balanced it around breaking immunities with a very high skill level and or infinity.

So now that means coldmastery works without logic again?

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Chain lightning and lightning are both aoe, but go on

Edit: and blizzard has a cooldown

A line isn’t an area. But go on


2020202020 chars

Blizzard with maxed synergies does 2280-2470. Lightning with maxed synergies does 3-5963.

Lightning with level 40 skills is 6-32688. Blizzard with 40 skills is 7080-7356. You just compared a max lite gear sorc to a naked cold sorc in damage :thinking:

10% of 6-32688 is .6-3268.8, so 1500 average damage. 10% of blizzard is 708-735.6, so around 721 average. But with cold mastery lowering a monster’s resistance by 215% plus the -85% from infinity, you lowered the resist by 60% on a cold immune. Say a monster has 140 cold resist vs a monster with 110 light resist. Both are fairly common numbers. The cold sorc is going to lower her monster’s resistance to 80% while the light sorc lowers hers to 93%.

The cold sorc is now doing 1442 average damage and the light sorc 1144.
The cold sorc is now superior to the light sorc with an infinity. Cold sorc was already the best spec to start out with until you could get infinity, if the change stays cold sorc is just straight up the best spec.

It wasn’t a bug fix. Cold mastery was deliberately not affecting cold immunes in OG D2. It was in the patch notes for 1.08 and 1.10.


I mean… Lightning hits multiple targets in an area of effect representing a line.

That’s aoe…


Lol seriously? That is hilarious. Fastest update to d2 ever.

Have they tried fixing the manaburn bug yet? Or rabies checking defence rating twice? Or the huge lists of other bugs that make the game objectively worse. I’d rather them fix bugs that make the game better instead of trying to actively make the game worse by making skills nonsensical. An artificial cap on immunities making cold mastery useless on anything cold immune is completely illogical. Especially when other elements can actually break them. It’s so far away from being intuitive.

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Cold mastery working on cold immunes was the bug, not the other way around.

Doesn’t matter if you think it is nonsensical or not…

As far as the bug fixes they have chosen to do, honestly it confuses me as well. They fixed so many things players liked like ebugging and str bugging and wsg, but left things players hate like NHAM and manaburn in.

Oh I agree I understand that the game would be different than the 1.14D patch if they were to fix all of these bugs. Having all minus resistance effects function exactly the same would be my preference but them fixing it does bring it in line with what 1.14 was so in that sense it’s a bug fix. My biggest complaint is that we have gotten ZERO blue posts about this topic.


Yeah seriously this. THey never said a single time whether it was intended or not.

True true. I guess id rather it stay the same and implement new things into d4.

Thats all true and my numbers were waaay off (honestly I’m kinda pleased I remembered lightning sorc damage lol) but hear me out.

Yes cold sorcs would be superior to fire and lightning specs against resistant enemies, but that is the whole point of their mastery. The game doesn’t give you any indication that it wouldn’t work like any other resist lowering effect. They also have cool downs on their most powerful spells.

Fire and lightning should do more DPS to anything not completely immune like act bosses and pvp. The ability to spam fireball for 20k and lightning bolt for 30k with high fcr should be more DPS than blizz on a non immune.

It seems the easiest way to make everyone happy would be to lower the effectiveness of infinity on cold spells so they don’t overshadow fire and light but still allow breaking immunities through hard points in cold mastery.

Thing is… act bosses have resistances. Mephisto in hell has 75% cold, fire, and lightning resist. A cold mastery sorc lowers hers to -100 pretty easily, so she still does her 14k average damage with blizzard while fire and lightning are doing 75% less damage until they can get infinity.

That’s why cold sorcs were widely considered the best spec to use until players get infinity.

Cold mastery is insanely powerful, the other specs need infinity to even come close.


Can we just call this thread instead of more complaining about how helpless cold sorcs are?

Huh? I am arguing cold mastery is the most powerful of the bunch, I am not calling cold sorcs helpless at all…

They are the best spec bya huge margin until infinity enters the game, and even after they are a top contender.

Nonono. Big misunderstanding. I realize that. :slight_smile:

I meant the previous posts in the thread were starting to get a bit annoying. I only quoted you as the final word on why.

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