Can we get an "official" Blue comment on the Cold Mastery change?

Yeah that’s true too. Hmm. But what about the sheer speed of their spells? Compared to blizz and orb with cooldowns

I’m more curious about base char abilities but I guess if you threw infinity in then wouldn’t the -res be capped at -100 for the cold sorc anyways? Whereas on fire or light the sheer amount of damage would benefit more from the lowered resists even if they didn’t get lowered as much as a cold sorc with mastery?

That’s why lightning sorc is better than cold after infinity comes into play.

Yes blizzard has a cooldown but it is not terribly long with good fcr and you can throw in glacial spikes in between the cooldown so it doesn’t matter that much.

Though I can see now how that post gave the totally wrong impression, because…I was replying to you while saying it lol. My bad.

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Doesn’t it matter tho? With high cast speed you are throwing out a lot of spells in that window that blizz cools down. And blizz doesn’t always hit right away, and glacial doesn’t do a lot of damage. Ice blast travels slowly so you have to pretty much telestomp to hit anything reliably… Before d2r blizzard and orb would sometimes put non cool down spells on cooldown too, but that did feel like a bug. From a Damage standpoint it really seems like cold was balanced compared to the other specs even with cold mastery breaking immunes.

It’s just funny because even with it breaking immunity the damage was still pretty low. Now I just telk the mob while merc kills instead of casting cold spells. What a huuuge difference in balance amirite

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Yeah it pretty much just feels worse.

So we’re back to not wanting to max cold mastery on a sorc that specializes in cold spells.

Because breaking an enemies immunity to cold with a level 30 skill that lowers enemies resistance like other skills do would be total nonsense. /S

Meanwhile hammerdins just coasting thru the game np. Did they fix the desynch bug or do they still get to become invisible and one shot you?

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If blizz is making changes and not releasing any notes or even acknowledgement of changes there are far bigger issues than cold mastery reverting back to 1.14

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A nerf to cold mastery will be disastrous in pvp tho. I’d rather they nerf the interaction between cold mastery and conviction so they don’t stack, or lower the conviction level and adjust monster resistances to compensate so light and fire can still break immunes like they do now.

The nerf is that it doesn’t affect immune now which is what it was in 1.14. A player cannot reach immunity and therefore no change

The bug was never as game breaking as people made it out to be. I currently have lvl 40 cold mastery (I need to respec now). Yesterday it was really only beneficial in lower level areas or some of the champion packs that happened to roll an affix that boosted their resist just high enough to get over that 100% threshold. It was functioning still at the 1/5th value for anything with an immunity so I could break a monster with 142% cold resist and deal a big old 1% damage to them. Yes in A1 like countess runs it was useful since I didn’t have to wait around for my merc to eventually kill them all since I could do some damage. I did not get a chance to test with conviction if that changed the potential max reduction but it seemed to work using the same math in general.

So we’re really just back to it being practically a 1 point maybe few point investment depending on what you plan on doing.

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Why make the change without any announcement or patch notes? WTF

was it changed back to 1.14 Cold Mastery? so we can no longer damage cold immunes? I just patched and went to cold plains and was still damaging those cold immune spear chics.

idk man i had to dust out the good old holybolt a few times. especially act2 & 2nd baal wave

either way i wouldnt mind id just roll a blizz sorc like everyone else :wink:

The ones with spears are lightning immune, not cold immune. The cold immunes (dark hunter) have swords I think?

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Spears are lightning immune :slight_smile:

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It’s sort of proof to me that Blizzard is the one screwing with stuff and probably the reason the servers keep messing up :slight_smile:

yea whichever ones are cold immune, I can damage them still.

Points in energy now reduce enemy resistances by x amount, allowing any class to break immunities with the proper investment of points. Might even see a fire druid outside of single player or above level 40. It’d be nice for more builds to be viable without changing too much. Melee could technically lower resists too from items that do elemental damage.

At least we’d have a choice instead of everyone being max block/vitality and won’t avoid the energy stat like the plague?

I say this fake info. Proof or fake.

Remember that if a monster is 100%+ resistance then the break ability only works at 1/5 effectiveness. So at -135% res you should be able to kill anything with a less then 126 cold rez but even at that point you have brought them down to 99% cold resist. So you can “technically” kill them but damn it will take a while

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