Can we get an "official" Blue comment on the Cold Mastery change?

It’s cute you think you can reason with his type :stuck_out_tongue:

I can spam glacial spike. Even if it doesnt do much damage, it still freezes. That’s enough to give my merc an edge against some hard hitters.


I know, me saying that, if anything they should buff the weaker unpopular builds first is so awful. What was I thinking? That’s obviously unfair to cold sorcs! :roll_eyes:

And you’re obviously so smart for ignoring everything I said and going right to insulting me. You must be SUCH a reasonable mature person!. Hahaha. :rofl:

No, I’m pretty darn sure it’s you who is missing the entire point quite badly. :slight_smile: ANY buff to the popular builds on the single most popular character in the game, while ignoring much less played, less powerful characters doesn’t make much sense. That is what I was saying.

That you personally don’t think it’s a big enough buff wasn’t the point.

Cold is great out of the gate to MF. It falls off to Lightning and Fire. Both, I think, are more powerful then Cold, just not as good to MF with.

Hammerdins make Cold just look silly.

I agree, I’m a strong advocate for a balance pass. But I maintain Cold is probably the weakest of Sorc builds.

Wow, look who grew up between posts. :smiley:

Just because the Paladin is a broken character who never got properly balanced, doesn’t mean every other class should break the game as well. His Block Speed is broken with Holy Shield and for some reason they gave him class only shields with +45 resistance built into the base for runewords - that’s cheating! They gave him Smite, a melee attack that always hits - that’s cheating! Then they made Magic Resistance basically non-existant and pumped the magic damage of Hammers through the roof via an aura that boosts physical damage - that’s cheating! Seriously it’s a poorly designed character whose only weakness is a lack of teleport - Oh wait never mind he’s fair and balanced.

I am so used to dealing with toxic purists, I was a bit quick off the jump. you’re dead wrong about cold mastery being broken, though. It’s merely functional now. Not even really a balance concern.

I mean, if they ixnay’d immunities, and I believe they should, cold mastery/conviction and LR would have to be changed, though.

First, I appreciate the partial attitude re-balance. You are still jumping the shark a bit here though. I didn’t say it was broken. Flat out did not. You may as well stop using the “How To Win Internet Arguments By Being Totally Disingenuous Handbook” verbatim page by page now.

I was not “dead wrong” about anything except the words you made up that I never said. :slight_smile:

I said cold using sorcs are some of the most played and popular builds, not only now but also in classic. And that buffing sorcs was probably not on the critical game breaking change list before making the game stable. :slight_smile: Therefore, it’s an unintentional glitch. That’s all I was saying.

And I stand by this assertion. Yes hammerdins are powerful and easy. That doesn’t mean cold using sorcs are not. And this thread isn’t about hammerdins. And saying “hey, look over here at this perk” isn’t the point. (Paladins are also vastly less popular than sorcs, which btw, should REALLY say something to you).

When you are ready to have a discussion about what I am actually saying, I will be here.

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No it doesn’t. You still kill cold immunes way faster with a hybrid build.

Cold sorc still need to kill cold immunes with their merc, despite this “bug”.

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I don’t think it has as much to do with cold, as it has with teleport. They are just great farmers to start out with. Cold with its inherent CC is also great in the beginning and through Nightmare, which makes leveling a breeze. Hell on the other hand, Cold sorc’s simply skips most of the content (which is awful game design)


I think you guys forget, that cold sorc is (one of) the best starting characters because the meta early season is to teleport to andy/meph/ancient tunnels and speed clear. Theyre not some god that can just go around slapping content into the ground. Some people are just as effective farming trav/eldrich/shenk/pits, which cold sorcs are slow at. It just so happens that most of the magic find gear is also better for sorc without losing dps early on like a melee character would since it requires damage values on weapons for scaling and not skill levels. The fact that you can run double spirit with ptopaz chest and helm and hit decent mf values is what makes it stronger. You cant scale your damage on most other characters this way. Ele druid and hammerdin are the same with their early damage scaling.

If this game had the mapping system cold sorcs would only be used till you could get another character into maps. Or to boss tele on low tier maps i guess. Unless they had a map with very little cold immunes. Which didnt seem to be the case in pod. I never touched my sorc on those mods short of rushing past day 4-5 in hell.


This is my opinion as well.

You’re not breaking the cold immune you are piercing the cold immune read the skill you’re not lowering the resistance like an aura like lower res or conviction you are basically just piercing the monsters resistance which means only you can damage the monster you still do little them and it’s still worth to skip I can only see this being a good change and nothing more you still have to invest a crazy amount of time to get gear to make this any relevant like say having a conviction Aura from Infinity would then now allow you to start playing the f****** game on a sork that isn’t just freaking lightning Nova like I don’t understand why people having issues with this when in reality to only way to play the game properly is to roll a hammered in immunities are a huge problem in this game and I have no problem with immunities as long as you you can eventually break those immunities with time patience gear and levels I see no issues with this and I hope there is no change on this at all I feel like it is a fixed bug not a current bug I feel like the skill is intended to be this way and should stay and people should shut up because it’s not OP at all

I’d like to see more magic immunes randomly so hammerdins aren’t I win button anymore and need to worry about immunes like the rest of us

Shut up and go play pd2 egnima is a thing…,.

You can already break all lightning resists with an infinity and do more damage than cold. What’s the difference?

Not to mention paladins, specifically hammerdins, don’t need to deal with resists at all. And are completely broken op. More broken than a cold sorc doing 10% damage to a cold immune mob.

Cold mastery felt kinda weak and it was weird how it maxed out at 100 percent in pve. That’s like what 10 skill points tops and you could also just get those points with items? That couldn’t have been intentional… Now there’s a reason to max it out besides breaking op training wheels paladin resists in pvp. The damage is still mitigated by resistances so you’d have to have maxed cm and have an infinity to break immunes. Which is a perfectly fine end game goal for a mf sorc.

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Infinity cant take a light immune to negative resists on its own, cold mastery and infinity can.

I’m not sure what you mean. There are some enemies that remain immune, but isn’t that a benefit to the cold specs mastery? Lightning also does more base damage and doesn’t rely on lowering resists like cold does, so if you get 10 percent of a 30k lightning bolt it’s still very effective. 10 percent of a 3k cold damage blizzard is going to be very weak relatively.

Not sure if that’s what you meant since you only gave me a one sentence reply.

Blizzard is ultra-ultra-wide area AoE and freezes. It’s supposed to do less damage because it’s insanely good.