By using JSP you are supporting botting and RMT

The majority of them wouldn’t play a fresh ladder if they had to actually start from nothing; and they’ll tell the rest of the playerbase to just “git gud”, which means start an fg wallet.

The real problem is that Blizzard doesn’t have a tool to facilitate in game trades. It’s actually wild that they did this HD overlay thing for D2 but completely neglected any sort of trading post for players to use without resorting to 3rd party sites.


Its literally the same as them rmting items from 3rd party sellers and they just keep defending the same argument again and again because they don’t want to play the game like the legit players. All they do is cheat and put cope statements as to why they do it.

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See you want to stretch it so badly into something it isn’t, that you’d lie about it. It did start out not as a resource site, but as a bot site. It never allowed the posting of cheats nor was it a resource for them. It no longer makes/sells/advertised or allows for bots to be talked about. Lying about what the site used to be really invalidates most of your opinion, but I will entertain you regardless. I never said that you cannot buy forum gold nor has anyone else in this thread. The point being made was that buying forum gold to then trade for items is a terrible ratio for someone spending their money and a waste of time when you could RMT direct from a real RMT site and have everything you want delivered to you. Meanwhile I don’t even think you can comprehend the literal mountains of forum gold that you would need to really boost that far ahead during early ladder. It would takes 100’s of thousands and simply wouldn’t be worth doing. JSP also in no way violates ToS.

Jesus the amount you need to lie to attempt to make a point is pathethic.

Could easily play a fresh ladder without a fg bank. Have done it the past 2 ladders. Could even play without JSP, but I refuse to waste time trading slowly. Regardless I would be ahead of every one of you who worries about JSP. I’d trade on traderie and discords blah blah blah if jsp didn’t exist. Only issue is that JSP is just better and faster than any other way to trade. It has nothing to do with RMT. The RMT aspect isn’t why someone who uses JSP is further than you always. It is that they don’t waste their finds by having them sitting on a mule. That they can easily trade off excess stuff they don’t need to improve the gear they do need. That they don’t have to sit 5 hours in a P1 trade game to make one trade. So not only is trading quicker, but they’re busy actually playing the game while you’re stuck in a trade game, so they’re getting even further ahead.

Always looking for an excuse for why yall are behind. Wahh enigma is unobtainable and everyone teleports past me. Wahh. But even without JSP I’d still have enigma, and would still be past you.

Lol this statement is so full of copium its almost not worth responding. You’re not ahead of anyone. You cheat end of story. Incoming paragraph long cope defense of jsp. Have a great day.

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See the thing is those who actually used the site ever would know that cheats were never allowed and that it no longer allows bots or talk of bots. And then you pretend like anyone has claimed that you cannot purchase fg which simply isn’t the case. On those three points alone you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.

And my point still stands. With or without JSP. I would breeze past you and you would still suck. It make no difference other than I waste less time than you do when I go to trade.

Lmao you aren’t breezing past anyone enigma is not hard to get. I love how thats the crux of your argument is enigma no one here is complaining about enigma. You didn’t even bother to read the other post showing documented posts from jsp about botting and cheating. Go read and learn about the site you so devoutly defend before you come here and look silly. Heres the resource for you again because you obviously need it. D2JSP is Illegal and against the TOS

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idk about you guys but I think it’s pretty funny that there is a mixture of people who know njaguar creates bots and people who just think I’m straight up lying. cope.


I linked him the original tos violation post if he reads it great if not i am done talking to the wall lmao. It really is medical grade copium when jspers get called out for rmt. Like at least know the history of the cheat site you are defending lol.


They’re all too heavily invested, and they’ve conflated fg wallets with “skill”. It’s an ego thing that can only be propped up with a lot of copium.


Oh I’ve read all the crap other clowns like you post. They all claim it is against the rules. And yet somehow with my b net account linked here and all the others who have said they use JSP zero have been banned. They’re admitting in your pretend scenario that they’ve broken the rules on a site that is directly linked to their account and yet somehow they’ve never been banned. Strange.

Or perhaps instead JSP is in no way against the rules which is why they weren’t banned because companies don’t ban people for not breaking the rules.

You think Paul is creating bots using Asian code right now? Because every person who has streamed a bot is using an asian one.

If you’re attempting to say that JSP used to sell a bot, you’d be right. They no longer do that though.

I think you’re mad that hellen keller is above you on the ladder leaderboards and she doesn’t even use JSP.

Tainted legacy? You know this is a blizzard game right? They’re tainted enough as it is and many people here still swear off blizz games but this one among d2players is the sole exception because it is the creation of old blizzard north.

i know you’re just trying to be funny but i’m pretty sure that ableism puts you on a fast track to getting banned.

I cant even keep up to bother enjoying any popcorn

Just let him honk. All the d2jsp devotees honk on this forum. They don’t how to play the game without it, and it frightens them to see fingers pointed at it because they know that it sits close to a chopping block. They’ve had a solid 15 years where Blizzard did not pay attention to D2 moderation, and the newfound focus causes nervous sweating.


What do you mean “so close to a chopping block”? It has been 20 years. Nobody is scared JSP is going to disappear, it would be more likely that Paul stops hosting it rather than Blizzard doing anything about it, because Blizzard can’t do anything about it. Not a single JSP user is worried. Btw it is 20 years not 15. And you think that Blizzard right now is paying even a single bit of attention to JSP? They barely pay attention to D2R? Where is all this cope coming from? They can’t stop botters, RMT sites, RMT bots in chat lobbies, fix their chat from breaking every other day and you think they have “newfound focus”? How can you be that thick? Blizz gives only enough to keep everyone playing, so the botters stay around, so towards the end of ladder they can ban them and get more cash out of this game. Literally nothing else has any serious thought put into it. Lmfao just look at the past 2 patches and you think they have any idea of what they’re doing? They’re just thowing crap at the wall and hoping people like you don’t see it. You probably think they care about bots too don’t you?

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:
Honk on, brother.

See ya in another 10 years making this same thread or something similar lollll.

ethical hacking 101: don’t sht where you eat.

2 edits to write that?

Just one edit, not sure where you got two? was for spelling.

Perhaps you confused your need to ignore the entire smackdown you got in the other post with and additional edit on my part. That however is not the case.

You do realize that made no sense right?