Bring back WhirlWind!

Yeah the servers need to be fixed first. However…

Please UnNerf whirlwind. Melee builds suffer so much in this game. I tried A Fury Druid, Zealot Paladin and a Smiter paladin. After playing Sorc, Javazon and Necro its pretty clear Melee builds are just not as good.

Whirlwind was the exception. Whirl wind was the King of Melee builds. It Was cool. It was powerful and it did Area damage. It made all those dam unique mauls and spears I find worth something.

Does anyone want to buy a bonesnap? I got 8…

Whirlwind is just as much a staple of Diablo as a Summon necromancer. I’m not asking for a new skill. Just for Whirlwind to be like it has been in Vanilla diablo 2.

Ressurect the Immortal King of Melee!!


Yes i agree they need to fix ww, but ww isnt considered melee in diablo 2


I don’t know who came up with that. In my book if you hit something with an object thats Melee.


Smite and ww have never been considered melee in d2, Its for pvp purposes its not. But technically yes it would be a melee

there’s a reason I have a barb without LOD enabled… I literally do 4 or 5 WW’s on hell diablo and he dies lol

Hopefully they plan on doing these things after the servers are fixed.

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Shout out to shape-shifting Druid skills.

I made a shockwave/maul druid…

He’s great for making things stand still and taking forever to kill them. Maybe once I get my chains of honor, fortitude, anni, torch, and 9 shapeshifting gc’s, i’ll be able to do some real gnarly stunnage.


I’m also a heretic who thinks the game could use a balance pass. Sure, WW is great when you have 2x Grief Phase Blades but it’s incredibly unlikely you’re going to get to that point without farming on a different character.

I never liked that common diablo wisdom is to just use a sorc as you first char then grind for gear with her for any other class you want to make in all honesty. I’m not asking the sorc be nerfed, I’m not asking she be de-throned as the defacto farmer (which probably won’t happen as she has innate teleport) - I’d just like other classes and builds to at least be pulled out of the ditch.


If you want to see ww at old school power, play classic as ww in classic is very broken…

You can just start as barb and run oath/lawbringer/whatever until you can trade up to a Lo. Barb gear is usually cheap because everyone plays casters. Barb can farm pit, trav, etc just fine, especially with find item giving you an edge. Thinking you have to start sorc is a myth.


Agree WW is very weak. Needs buff asap.

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ww aint the issue it is how difficult it can be to find a strong enough weapon. oath isn’t too difficult to create on your own and finding an eth balrog blade is relatively easy.

Nobody wants a bonesnap they are too slow. Hwanins bill is a great choice for its level. Also, I never tried steel driver but I bet it is good. IK mauls good too I bet I’d do ok whirlwinding with that.

‘Real gnarly stunnage’ for the win! :bear:


Obedience is probably best early hell runeword imo. Level 21 enchant proc is crazy good for getting a ton of attack rating, its pretty cheap to make one and it has tons of damage and crushing blow and all res.

obedience can ok, i would probably use it until i get oath and respec into sword barb though. problem is obedience doesnt give any increased attack speed whereas oath gives 50% which in a balrog blade allows you reach the last ww breakpoint which is a pretty big deal for ww for any of you folks struggling with ww. yall should look up ias calculators. also good reminder, ww breakpoints can only be affected by weapon’s ias, ias outside of weapon does not count

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It’s really just the enchant proc that I love about obedience. You could probably just keep it as a switch for the proc though.

The proc is adding over 2000 attack rating for me by itself, takes hit chance from 60s to 80s.

I will keep a look out for an eth balrog. Truth be told I didn’t really consider Oath since it costs some pretty high runes, but its probably worth it on an eth balrog after all.
I was kinda holding out to make a BoTD colossus blade. I know its silly, I know its not the best base, but I like the option of using 1 or 2h with it. Lets me do both 2h whirlwind and dual wield ww/frenzy with one weapon.

Edit: out of curiosity, would you use a passion balrog blade over the obedience? I made one earlier without thinking about the obedience I had on zon merc but now that you mention the ias… Would 25% ias on the balrog be better than the (much) higher damage on obedience?

when/how was it nerfed?

i was looking at cool videos about ww barbs doing ubers. looked decent.
made me want to get a zod for ebotd lol

1.10 greatly increased monster health and defense ratings and gave synergies to compensate.

Whirlwind received exactly 0 synergies, resulting in a massive nerf overall to it.


Well, I tried the passion balrog… and I was pleasantly surprised. Seems attack speed makes a much bigger difference than I thought for whirlwind.

The blind target and causes monsters to flee on passion is pretty nice while whirlwinding too.