Bring back the Succubus Blood Star

They now shoot an ugly fireball blob looking thing. Bring back the Blood Star.

Edit: I originally posted an animated gif of the Diablo 1 Succubus firing a Blood Star, but I figured someone would get offended by it and flag my post, so I switched it to the good ole StarTrek Photon Torpedo, which looks very similar to the Blood Star.


Ya I did think something was off with the attack.

Did you also see the Necro revive bug with Succubus as well?

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No I haven’t seen the bug… But I try not to revive ranged attackers. Don’t want them clogging up hallways and doors. :stuck_out_tongue:

They occasionally come back as their corps skeleton model instead.
I thought it was kinda bizarre but I guess they made en entire model just for the death animation.
Its a pretty cool bug.

I’ll have to try it out.

Yes, bring back the nice glow of melee damage destruction. The current projectile does not do it any justice.


I always loved the Knight death animation and sound from D1, always wished they reintroduced them in D2 ^^


We need to push for a D1 remaster brother!
The return of the true king!


If they applied same remastery to D1 and slightly updated the game to allow running and make multi-player as in depth as single-player, I would pre-order in a heartbeat!


I’m sure they could remaster D1 using the assets they have generated with the creation of D2:R, with modifications of course. And it’d be nice to have some anti-dupe security in D1, instead of joining a game and finding 912384981223 uber items on the ground.


Sorry, no running, no stash, no sockets and gold takes up inventory space.
The true fight will be the nightmare inventory management!

No stash/sockets/gold in inventory never bothered me since number of worthwhile items were limited. Plus the whole town is your stash :slight_smile:

It’s very difficult to find images of the Succubus or the Blood Star. I’m guessing the image is being censored into oblivion because she’s showing her tatas.

Society is not afraid to use sex to sell products, but oh my gosh delete it if it’s not being used to sell a product.

There is actually a weird running option in Diablo: Hellfire lol

Ya… Hellfire is not a blizzard product however.
It was from Sierra and well things got weird and very non-canon.
I’m not sure they could use it.

Better yet, just bring back the d1 succubus along with blood geyser death animation.

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+1 for screaming whirlwind of magical death.

Also the impact sound and animation when you hit them was so satisfying.


Giev us Blood stars Blizzard. :grin:

I loved doing that too, but doesn’t work in multilayer!

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Do YOU want the Blood Star to return? Don’t just smash the like button, make your voice heard!

:smiley: :+1:

Or we can just let it slide, ignore it, and be content with a blob of yellow barf being shot at us instead of that awesome arcane red ball of destruction.