Bring back the Succubus Blood Star

Necro time! Still wanting the :boom: Blood Star :boom: to return! Do it Blizzardā€¦ DO IT!!


Sadly, that wonā€™t be as cool as it was in Diablo 1. There were other factors which made Hell Knight so gorgeous and creepy simultaneously:

  1. Very dark hell levels, and their dark palette so you could spot them only when they were quite close. The only element visible earlier was their red eyes glow, just epic.
  2. Due to their poor visibility it was not too hard to step onto a pack of Hell Knights, and these guys were A WAY more deadly than their D2 brothers - getting surrounded by more than 3 of them was practically a death sentence.
  3. There is no running in Diablo 1, only walking, and Hell Knights were really good at pursuing and crowding the player. They were also fast enough they left very little room for ex. wrong movement.

Damn, all of the above combined was making helluva of atmosphereā€¦same about chasing Succubuses.

In Diablo 2 both Hell Knights character model, and the levels they appear are completely different compared to conditions in Diablo 1, so changing the animation wonā€™t restore the experience unfortunately :confused: However, it might improve it.

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This needs to go to the top of the list. ASAP.


Itā€™s beyond me why they decided to remaster such an iconic attack sprite with a floating gelatinous blob of yellow/orange flubber. Everything else looks awesome.


Iā€™ve always wondered about this

Agreed, support 100%.


Maybe the Blood Star will come back next patch?

ā€œTo be, or not to be.ā€

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Why would anyone be offended? Legitimate question :slight_smile:

Because the succubus bosom in the gif isnā€™t covered. Full frontal view. :stuck_out_tongue:

Plus we live in a world where people are easily offended by everything.


but the monster is Blizzardā€™s own creation. Would they delete your post for their own creation? It doesnā€™t make much sense if someone flagged your post

Although there are many trolls here and they want to see the destruction of other peopleā€™s human beings.

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Yeah, I knowā€¦ I erred on the side of caution though.

Iā€™ll never forget playing the first Diablo, it was all cool spelunking until you see that first blood star.

Why? While the Succubus, Hell Witch, Vile Maiden was very light on clothing their blood stars hit like a truck. It was nearly always an assured death if you were too busy looking at them instead of dodging their attack.

Bring back the animation that made players do U turns after entering the room.


Eh, could be worse: It could be a plain white asterisk like the Red Arremer projectile from Ghosts ā€˜nā€™ Goblins. :wink:

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Yeah I know, thread necro, but I think itā€™s worth it.

Please bring back the Blood Star, Blizzard.


Agreed. The old graphic was amazing, the new one is more than underwhelming.


I used to believe the artist mistook the attack for a fireball and QC didnā€™t catch it but a similar graphic was used in D4. Either the mistake was carried forward, or the same artist did both graphics, or Blizzard has decided to change canon.

The practical reason why it needs to change is that the attack is magic physical damage but the graphic shows fire damage. Itā€™s misleading and could cause bad gear decisions for new players doing Baal runs for example. At the very least, change the color so itā€™s not confused with fire.

Iā€™ve created a mockup with screenshots from all Diablos so the timeline is clear. Someone with higher permissions can repost and embed the image.


Blood Star does physical damage actually, thatā€™s why unique succubi packs with Might/Fanaticism will nuke you especially when youā€™re cursed with the Amp they often cast.

But yes I wish the graphic were more true to the original because it looks like a fireball when itā€™s not, too bad the people that did the D2R art assets are long gone either into D4 or quit when VV was absorbed or w/e they went.

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Bahā€¦ It doesnā€™t need to be a 3D objectā€¦ It remaining an animated sprite is just fineā€¦ Itā€™s not that hard to make a bright red orb with red flares coming off of it. Itā€™d take a few minutes to cook something up in GIMP/Photoshop.

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Thanks for the correction. I thought the bloodstar was 50/50 physical/magic.

Regarding the artists, an army of contracted 3d artists were used for a large portion of the remastered graphics. Iā€™m a vfx artist myself and I remember seeing these show up on reels and portfolios in the community.

It would be fairly straightforward to get this done but thereā€™s a minimum floor to the amount of time/money/effort required due to having to conform to the dev pipeline. I would love to see this happen but I doubt it will unless it can be rolled in with other asset updates/fixes.

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