Botting is ruining the game

I would love to see bots in D2R. Currently the game is dead because nobody wants to go through the pain of leveling new chars through normal and nightmare. LoD thrives because there are bots to help get new chars up which promotes trading and increases the longevity of the game.

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I’ve done this in the past and you couldn’t be more wrong…

8 bots running cows is like 10 HRs per 24h

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There were bots, just not bots doing spanned act runs. Shop Bot comes to mind, and I a might be wrong but I believe Pindle Bot was a thing back then

Nope start with Infinity … and sorcs

you keep posting this stupid opinion and its just not true. Bots were definitely a thing in 09 and there were plenty of ‘innovative’ hacks existing alongside bots. Remember Oil Potion ‘drop your gear’ hack? Everyone just botted with a sorceress. removing enigma just means everyone uses a sorceress now. Get over the fact enigma exists.


Oh they’re botting too. There’s no point in buying fg just to sell the runes for fg. Take a look at the multiple people selling like 10x ber each.

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Been happening for 20 years will keep happening, there is real money to be made there will constantly be people looking ti exploit this.

Jsp is cancer that is where most bots come from, sadly nothing we or blizzard can do about it. I do not notice running bots anymore only spam bots.

Only thing could be done is blizzard deeds to ban anyone admitting to using JSP or any other third party software gave a in game report service

D2R botting is still very basic. They aren’t getting rich off a simple pindlebot. Otherwise they have paid $$$$ for a private bot. And 8 x accounts is still $320 and good luck trying to run all 8, I have trouble running 2 on same PC so imagine the costs of getting strong enough PC to run all 8 on one (or having 8 x PC)! Either way they are all using real money to get their wealth. Either way I don’t care, doesn’t bother me, I have fun solo and with my group.

Why it bothers people that there are cheaters and people who use money to win never really makes sense to me, isn’t that how the whole world works aren’t we all used to that fact by now??


How do the majority of bots come from JSP? This has got to be one of the most ignorant things said on this forum. Yes they originated as a botting site but that quickly changed especially after blizz got involved and since 2006 it has strictly been about trading. Go ahead and try to type bot at jsp. Yes there are botters there now but they are downloading it off other sites. Type d2r bot into Google and you will see where people are getting their free pindlebots from and where people are selling private bots. The far majority of d2jsp users are strictly legit players or people who use their credit cards to buy FG. Ban for admitting JSP lmao what a joke… think 90% of this forum would disappear lmao

JSP is nothing but neckbeard cheater and bots , it is d2 cancer and the community is vomit.

Legit players never will use d2jsp, only item for item trading forums like discord. D2jsp is irrelevant today its a haven for cheats and bots


Great trading, great strategy discussions, great PvP events, great community to farm dclone, etcetc. You’re a cry baby. Only ignorant fools cry about botting on jsp.

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No its where people spend money to get gear because they do not want to spend the time playing the game. Its ran by a con artist who rakes in tons of cash of his bots and all his cronies who also run bots and help run the site.

It completely ruins the game no one should he able to start a fresh ladder with 5 million forum gold its ridiculous and ruins the game grow up and learn to play legit. Find a trade on reddit discord or right here on this forum and stop cheating and encouraging that con artist and his bots.


Damn you’re so delusional… cya!

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Blizzard needs to ban you cheating clowns who admit using jsp , its insane pretty much any other online arpg would do so.



the d2jsp army getting mad :slight_smile:
fact are all botter use enigma

1.09 bot really have little impact on the game

just simple logic engima just make x 6 time the issue worst

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I agree with you that cheaters should be enforced but you’re delusional if you think removing jsp will solve RMT issues. Jsp doesn’t even come close to top 3 RMT sites for Diablo. There are at least 5 RMT sites that I know of in English and there are probably other sites catered specifically for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. I’ve also seen people trading items in discord with real money via PayPal. There are literally thousands of platforms available to build wealth with real money and there is nothing Blizzard can do about it. It is out of their jurisdiction. Is It realistic for Blizzard to take legal actions to all RMT sites and continue in doing so for decades? Probably not. That would cost them billions.

It bothers people because people cheat. If you don’t understand that logic, that’s just difference in our opinion and I probably can’t convince you no matter what. I do agree though that it is pointless to be bothered with people using real money because it can’t be enforced. However, botters and maphackers are different as Blizzard do have a way of handling them, it just comes down to time, effort, and cost. Botters and hackers should be heavily penalized and hardware banned.

Its not just jsp you are right but JSP is probably the biggest and worst one.

Cheater will always be cheating , I could care less but I strongly think anyone caught using pay pal or third party trading sites like jsp should be banned.

Blizz needs to make a very nice trade site or something strictly item for item this would help steer people away from JSP.

I would not be surprised if many JSP users are the ones running the other sites too

You should totally be banned for using a made up currency that folks use to trade between games because everyone want to try and make change with runes. Everyone wants to trade 10 times to make one trade.

Bud … we are in 20s of 21 century :wink:
All you need Azure subscription and VDI farm

There are many many many many many many bots.

Are they ruining the game? I don’t know. My game works just fine and I’m still having tons of fun.


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