Bots one way to win

If it was once an hour and easy enough to solve in a few seconds then I’d put up with it.

I hate those picture clicking ones but seeing how popular they are I’m guessing they’re the most effective thing available at this time.


Here are my thoughts on what Blizzard could do:

Who knows, they may already be doing it.


Do you really believe the community that buys items regularly is a small community? Its a large community and even larger if you count the people who break down and become one or two time buyers.
Once you regulate botting is when the game actually dies because you have a large group of people here that just throw money at it to enjoy the game. These botters dont give a shat about your ladder heroics and standards lol, they are just farming your money.

I didnt finish your post, I need to tell you right away…charging players a membership fee or charging them to take part in ladder? either one is bad for marketing. D2 is famously free to play after buying the game, wow was the subscription nonsense. I also want to point out that bots dont necessarily kill the game, they help keep it alive with baal games for example. I actually miss the channels where you could go and find baal runs being done by a bot.

why though? well, because a bot doesnt get bored or tired, and they will run baal games until they are prevented. that benefits the community and actually brings people together. I have fond memories of being in a baal game and talking to the fellow exp leechers, lots of jokes and stuff…good times.

back to subscription for D2, that would kill the game out-right. you cant possibly expect this to go well.

The thing that DOES kill the game though, is toxic players. They come into your game, kill a quest boss, kill everyone who’s just lvling up or doing quests. They go into duel games and start being bad to the others, nk’ing or bm’ing and then smack talking(actually those are why I ended up making an unkillable smiter at one point, and rolled every single idiot that crossed me on my bvc). There alway were people against botting, but they are like the bible thumpers in a christian church…nobody takes them serious…we hope. D2jsp killed the game a bit, by doing a serious number on trading. that was almost comparable to the market crash caused by dupes, and people defended it. they claim it made trade easier, but I disagree. the only thing I enjoyed on d2jsp was ladder slasher. people on there were elitist jerks, and trading ingame became even more of a hassle. Dupes and 3rd party trading sites will always have a negative impact on a games community. it’s like holding a conversation with 2 groups in separate rooms, it gets muddled.

I would like to see them build on the foundation of D2, but not with a subscription. I think it should also be understood that back then, we knew who was legit and who wasnt. So being 99 didnt automatically give you bragging rights, you had to earn them. When you got caught botting, that was it. you either deleted and started over, or accepted that your 99 was considered fake. I dont want ladder to be shorter, and I dont want to pay to play a game I paid for already. I wouldnt mind buying cosmetics or some stash tabs, which is a highly effective method of post-purchase fund raising in many games. I sure as hell will quit the game in the face of a subscription though.

PS I did read the rest of your post, and again…bots do more to help the game than they do to ruin it. The community just needs to take note on who’s got a fake 99 and who has a legit 99, like they did back then.

It is not as black and white as this. Your “high level” character finds gear for your other characters directly or trade with other players, which then raises the effective/perceived drop rates.

The MAJOR reason why some players stay with D2, is it is FREE :slight_smile:

I am in favour of an in-game Auction House, so I can trade with other players while offline, rather than visiting and depending on external websites. The problem is that since everything is tradable, bots can sell you anything and there is no much need to find anything yourself, once an AH is implemented.

Some of us value items based upon what the items can do rather than whether other people happen to have said items or not.

Yes, all of the threads of the tapestry have to be in place. Stains and all.

I give up…

tilting at windmills

meh, ladder heroics…nobody ever truly cared about it…just a small group who kept tabs on who was legit and who botted. the ladder is a giant pat on the back from your self in the end, but it’s items are what bring people in. The same mechanic that brings people to pay cash for items is what brings people to play ladder…items that they want and cant have any other way.

I dont care if everyone buys their gear until it affects me, but thats only happening in pvp, where top payers have the best gear. I would suggest an AH with a max sell price of 5 bucks, this would put rwt sites out of business over night. This would also bring in a new population to the game who find items and sell them, then you have the folks like the “chinese gold farmers” from gw2 having 30 people playing and mf’ing to sell stuff on the AH for a tiny wage…it’s a whole new dynamic but it would end spam bots and rwt sites nearly instantly.

so I think the best move forward is an AH with a price cap for selling any given item set at $5, and 25-50% of each sale goes to blizz and Bnet to support the game. I think this is a great idea, to take rwt and use it to fund the game. oh right, and D2jsp would also lose it’s grip on d2 finally.

ofcourse like everything, players dont have to participate, but they will probably want to. you could completely bypass the AH as a pvm player, but pvp’ers will need to invest in the AH for the best available gear. Pvm’ers will use it to buy and sell to upgrade their chars efficiency.

So the money in the AH would remain ingame, but at any time after accumulating a specified amount, you would have the option to transfer the money to something like paypal for example.

The reason it failed in D3 was legal reasons mostly, due to people selling items for thousands of dollars and the taxes becoming a complicated aspect of the whole deal. they would have to rectify that, but once they did, it would mean that D2 would earn them more money than even wow.

I think an AH in D2 is a worthwhile thing, it serves to create more reasons for mf’ing, and it rewards the player and blizz for successful sales. The rwt sites, d2jsp, and all other 3rd party sites would become obsolete in the face of this AH that would massively undercut rwt sites.

ofcourse old trade would still be available, why remove it? it has other uses, after all. such as giving a friend a gift! but maybe they can do this with the AH, allow you to send players a gift/free item at no expense? seems doable…we will see how things go. I dont make the decisions, nope! I dont work for them at all, I just play the game and spill my jiblits on the forums.