Bots one way to win

Common sense.

With bots = game dead = no players = no money = no support = no fun

without bots = fun = engaging = player base = money = support

New ladders every two weeks. Also $10 to play. boom no more bots, everyone happy, always fun.

If blizz isnt able to or can justify the support to permanently remove bots then there is nothing to lose bc otherwise the game is just dead.

To win vs bots isnt a battle won with software. Its a battle of attrition. The game must be set up in a fashion, at all costs, to make botting completely pointless and counter productive. Perhaps if two week leagues dont work, 10 day leagues. ect. the formula should look something like this.

Worth Botting = drop rate * league length * cost to play = software * detection * selling platform * ban rate

drop rate = controllable
league length = controllable
cost to play = controllable
software = given
detection = given
selling platform = given
ban rate = given

pretty much need to control drop rate, league length, and cost to control the rest of the botting on this game. You cannot fight fire with fire.


So, if I’m understanding correctly, one controllable is to raise the drop rates to make botting pointless, because then everyone can easily obtain everything they need to make their character Super Sayian level infinity in a very short period of time…

The whole reason a lot of people play the game and have been playing the game for all of these years is the item hunt… Raise the drop rates to the point where botting is pointless, we’ll lose that very reason a lot are here to play the game in the first place. Trading will become obsolete, the game will become boring very quickly.

Go load up a decked out character in single player and see how long you’ll enjoy it, because you’ll never find anything that’s better than what you already have. I’m betting the fun might last a couple of hours at most, but it will quickly become stale.


drop rate is just one part of the formula. It wouldnt have to be raised maybe at all. Just an element. Perhaps just leagues are shorter, or maybe all it takes is a cost to play the league.

Blizzard just needs better bot detection, they need to think of something the botters haven’t thought of, mainly a way to detect bots which is impossible for the bot creators to circumvent. IF that happens, the game can once again be solely in the hands of legitimate players, and we’ll have a legitimate game economy.

Yeah I know, I need more coffee to wake up, because I’m obviously still dreaming.

not possible. You cannot win this war with detection sorry. Gaming has been happening for 30 years online. Cheaters have been apart of that the whole time and still cheat.

It needs to be won by check mating, not over powering software, it wont ever happen. esp with a old crappy game like d2r

Everything is impossible until it’s done for the first time.

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it would take rebuilding a game from ground up with all efforts on circumvention. That wont be happening in d2r

Nah, they have already “shelled” the original game with a graphics layer. They can easily shell the networking layer with something more advanced, which they already have, because the original game in D2:R is able to communicate with the modern servers. That shell can be updated.

u dont get it do you? EVERY GAME OUT THERE 2022 BRAND NEW HAS CHEATERS. GO PLAY COD, GO play APEX, go play ANYTHING. its all full of cheaters. some more than others.

You will not solve this botting issue with updates. It needs to be a simple formula where there is no reason to bot. If there is money to be made by a players base there will be bots and cheaters. There is always a place to sell items for money. Youy need to make it so its too much hassel and not enought profit to be worth botting.


Its a really interesting way to solve bot issue lol
but after all have you seen bliz put any effort on solving bot or cheaters in other games?
just look at wow…sigh

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Considering people have been botting D2 as long as D2 has existed… and it’s still here…


I find the doomsday argument a bit comical.

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The only real way to stop the want to run bots/make profit by selling items is to raise drop rates to absurdly high levels to make everything worthless, because everyone will either have the items, or be able to easily obtain them.

Since this is a loot grind game, that option is a no-go.

They don’t need to make any changes to the base game.

They need to make sure they are banning botting using anti-cheat programs and ban hardware instead of IP/Account.

Force them to buy new GPUs to ever play this game again after they get banned. Boom. Fixed.

Increasing the drop rates is succumbing to the “bots cause the economy to crash” problem. Plus it makes trading for items you can’t find less worthwhile.

Hardware bans are easy to get around by the way. Have been for years.

If you’re banning an easily replaceable hardware I would agree, but an expensive GPU isn’t as replaceable as “resetting windows with a new HDD” to work around it.

Cuz then it’ll be “reset windows with an entirely new GPU/HDD”

Makes it harder for them to just “work around it”

10 dollars isn’t going to do anything.

It’s usually as simple as running the program in a virtual machine. And there are other methods. :stuck_out_tongue:

HWIDs can be changed through… means we aren’t going into on the forums lol.

Bots earn more from selling stuff, than they expend on new accounts. It’s a never ending war honestly. They will always find a way back.

Botting isn’t the problem, it’s the solution :stuck_out_tongue:

Human greed and envy is the problem. People buying items with real money are the problem. Bots are the solution.

So to solve bots you need to change humans fundamentally… can’t happen.

Bot checking in game. Like one of those PITA ‘click all pics below with a cross walk in it’. No bot can do that, but would the player base put up with it? Probably not is my guess

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