Blizzard... Why are you changing stuff up 3 days before ladder?

Whats going on here devs? Why make this change with 3 days left and no testing or input from players?

I thought the idea of sunder charms was to make other builds closer in power to the main builds weve had for 20 years (blizz/light sorc and hammerdin). These charms dont accomplish that one bit now. Hammerdin and Blizz sorc will still be miles ahead of the competition like they always have been.

At the very least cold mastery should also have 1/5 penalty vs sundered mobs too.

The biggest issue though is making changes 3 days before ladder with no testing or input from players and not communicating these changes on your social medias. Big time FAIL again.



More like a resue in the last moment if you ask me :stuck_out_tongue:

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My problem is it’s going to make fire the least powerful element again due to the amount of fire resistant monsters in hell. I do think it was a necessary change, but they need to rework how many fire immunities are in hell etc. Also nerf cold mastery to apply at 1/5 against sundered monsters as well.


The brick wall they were driving straight toward started coming into view. Perhaps they’ve actually been considering the logic presented here in dissent to the move. If so then I’ve got a hand credit to them for sure.

Anybody that can change their conclusion based on new evidence and consideration is okay in my book.


Well except for hammerdin, the high builds would actually profit more from these charms than the weaker builds.
The biggest difference is now Blizz sorc rules supreme even after achieved fully OP endgear.

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It’s Activision now not Blizzard, and they are using d2r as a way to train all their new programmers.

Paladin will still be way stronger than Blizz sorc. And for the last minute change, I mean technically with sunder charms infinity just been broken. No penalty didn’t made sense at all. Why would you be able to first break the immunity of a monster with that charm and then add -85 res xD, then you could just totally remove immunities entirely.

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They do nothing for melee but increase the gap. Just nerf builds already.


what changes did they make today?

The 1/5 penalty will be there. Except for CM ^^

Not really.
Sorc has faster teleport, require no gear other than the charm to destroy everything. Safe, from a far, blizzard is cast and forget skill. It can do more damage than hammers with all enemies having -100% res. And it can now do even ubers, so pally no longer have advantage here …

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you do know that blizzard has some nice cooldown. id bet my account you can clear faster with hammerdin than with a blizzard sorc with sundercharm.

Depends on what you going to farm imo. Hammers can be very clunky in some areas.

yea ok true, narrow places are bad for him.
but i still don’t think that on long term blizzard sorc wont displace hdin or lighting/nova.
just think how fast you could kill with just infinity. the res will be way lower now, and lightning sorc been lightning fast before.

May I know what is the changes that they made?

go to post #9 there is all the info, or read this thread.

thank you!

Now my question is…how about dec and amp? Would they also be receiving the 1/5 penalty as well? Or it is just conviction & LR?

hmm i would assume they still work without the penalty since they wrote “Conviction and Lower Resist” and CM isn’t effected neither.

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CM never work against immunity anyways, so that one does not count. But ya…make sense since only conviction and LR is mentioned in the blue post

yes sure it never was ment to break and works like facets so it basically works as intended. i think its super hard for them to balance that well. blizz sorc will be strong, stronger than before still she won’t be better than lightning. still too strong for how budget you can go with her.