Blizzard should give people a reason to play ladder

d2 classic had no choice but to play ladder.

This is very important in seasonal games.

Contents, items, and qol for ladder only are necessary.


Okay, you mean incentive to play it. I understand exactly what you mean by players having to play ladder to get the runewords and that is how this ladder will work with its new runewords.

a great reason to play ladder is the ladder.


Seasonal themes will most likely be on D2:Rs ladder scene as a normal common ground as with what were seeing on PTR Currently for upcoming ladder.

Maybe you should read over the patch notes currently on PTR and your question and statements will be answered for yourself.

I’m curious about this one. Why did you feel that way back then?

It was the only way to get access to all the runewords.

Same will be the issue with this ladder. The seven new runewords will be ladder exclusive.

Only until ladder ends. Then those runewords will become available non-ladder.

This. Get on the ladder. It’s a challenge to get to 99. I mean it’s a huge grind but it is a challenge.

Ladder exclusive runewords are a thing as well.

Start from scratch, get the first torches etc. Always nice.

If you’re looking for a more challenging ladder play hardcore.

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Yes but only if they were crafted in ladder. The runewords are not craftable in non-ladder mode even after the ladder has concluded

In the past, the runeword items will convert to nonladder when the season ends. From what I’ve read, the runewords themselves will convert to non ladder when the season ends.

However, it doesn’t make any sense for them to make all the runewords available for everyone and then gate the new ones to ladder… they could have just left it as it was.

Well I think the main reason they made all runewords available to ladder and non ladder was that there was no ladder at launch and that would’ve not been right.

perhaps… but they could have just said the Season 1 of ladder is from launch until everything is ready… but they didn’t. There would have been zero reprocussions for doing it this way… but they didn’t…

I wouldn’t have purchased the game if the ladder runewords wouldn’t have been in the game from the start. The backlash would’ve been gigantic.

But that’s the thing… they ungated the ladder runewords… so it doesn’t make much sense for them to regate the new ones. They need to give people another reason to play ladder aside from the currently meh runewords.


Ladder only runewords are a big pain in og d2. Same goes for ladder only rune cubing and upgrade recipes and ladder only uniques.

It sucks to find a Lo rune in non ladder, while it’s great in ladder

So there’s a few problems with what you’re saying.

Ladder-only Runewords have been a core foundation of the game since the creation of Ladder.

If you would have locked out ladder-only runewords on launch I wouldn’t have touched this game until Ladder. Mostly because the current runewords that are ladder-only are build enabling and build defining.

Allowing all players access to “old” runewords and then giving Ladder new runewords adds flavor to ladder and gives a player benefit for choosing to push themselves on Ladder and farm.

Essentially you’re keeping the core foundation alive. Since the idea is still get to 99 and access Ladder-only runewords.

Here we go, crazy ladder only idea:
All boss fights are dance battles and last at least 10 minutes.

Just kidding of course. :stuck_out_tongue:

In a seasonal game, if there is no reason to start a new season, the game will be dead. It’s not a matter of thinking that it’s fair that you can simply get all the items from Non ladder.

Pre-expansion for example never had those ladder items for years. Ladder was always more populated. NL was for pvp.

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