Blizz to Desstroy their last decent game

Sure, bout you can make something to change that. You can limit which runes drop in hell and which not. You can make the same thing with items. So in that way, instead of gearing one char, you can gear 3 of them, making the a season more insteresting. Testing the new RW or features that season could bring. It can be the same core game, but with nowaday standards, with more balance in game/life (seeing this in time invested just to get an item)

I dont know what I like more, the pachinko design of the distribution or the fact that it’s aligned into an equilateral triangle.

Truly original inspiration there. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Guys, this isn’t the point right now.
Some users use 2-3pc and Multi Loader

Alone, multiple access to eight accounts, hunt and monopolize items.

And I’m also doing power levels.

Sub admin is an automatic mouse macro function that allows automatic access to the room and automatic portal movement.

What’s wrong with this is that because Microsoft is an authorized program, everyone uses multiple accounts easily.

He is saying he does NOT want a fool’s RND, he wants a guaranteed drop consistent and relative to the amount of hours played. Which we can take to mean, relative to number of kills.

There are many systems in place in other games that attempt to be more deterministic.

D2’s infinitesimally small runes drop chance is designed with a lot of actively trading players (many millions) in mind. It is absolutely not designed for solo play (no trading).

I also think many of my best trades have been with botters. A single bot which plays 24/7 with no breaks, is the equivalent of dozens of real players’ time.

The current rune drop chances are OK for botters, not for real players.

Yeah yeah, I hear that all of the time, the drop rate for high runes is designed for bots, not players… Blah blah blah.

Ever think that maybe the drop rates for high runes are that way because the runewords are extremely powerful? Or maybe ultra high character development is supposed to take a long time?

I mean come on, the role playing portion of the game can be beaten with garbage gear with every class in all difficulties, some classes are easier than others. After the role play portion of the game is beaten, it’s just us rerunning areas just to better our gear and make the repeated gameplay easier.

This is what so many people who ask for nerfs to Runewords and other items don’t understand.

They calls for nerfs to items people consider an endgame grind, while simultaneously complaining about the lack of endgame content.

I wish they’d stop trying to ruin what little grind beyond defeating Hell Baal there is.

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Oh yeah, I understand what is going on. The people who want the drop rates increased don’t like grind games and/or they think that the ‘meta’ build equipment that Maxroll/Icyveins and other sites say are “best in slot” are instead a “requirement”. They want to feel ultra powerful with less and less time invested.

Or there’s the other side, those that want nerfs to high end runwords because they don’t have the time to get those runewords themselves. It’s the “If I can’t have it, then no one else can.” mentality.

Anybody who played D3 from day one until now understands how either of these paths can damage/destroy the “loot grind” portion of an ARPG game.