I am just wondering where would be the best place to farm the best base version to create Insight for my follower? I still have my socket quest reward available if I need to use that.
Thanks, all!
I am just wondering where would be the best place to farm the best base version to create Insight for my follower? I still have my socket quest reward available if I need to use that.
Thanks, all!
Nightmare difficulty for a starter one. Hell difficulty for the high damage ones.
Normal Cows can also drop them.
I don’t recommend using A5 socket quest just to get a starter 4 socket polearm. It’s a waste. Much better used to put a socket in a high level unique, set or high level superior white item.
1 Tal Rune + 1 Thul Rune + 1 Perfect Topaz + Normal Body Armor = Socketed Body Armor of same type
The number of sockets created will vary. The item must be normal and unsocketed. Low-quality items and superior items do not work. The item gets 1-4 sockets, randomly. However, the number of sockets is then restricted by the maximum number of sockets that base item with that ilvl can have. The chance to get X sockets in most armor is 1/4 (I.E: Mage plate has a max of 3 sockets, so it has a 2/4 [1/2] chance to get 3 sockets). The base of 6 was used in the ratios for all the above mentioned areas.
1 Ral Rune + 1 Amn Rune + 1 Perfect Amethyst + Normal Weapon = Socketed Weapon of same type
The number of sockets created will vary. The item must be normal and unsocketed. Low-quality items and superior items do not work. The item gets 1-6 sockets, randomly. However, the number of sockets is then restricted by the maximum number of sockets that base item with that ilvl can have. For example, if you have an item that can only have 2 sockets, there’s a 5/6 chance of getting 2 sockets and a 1/6 chance of getting 1 socket.
1 Ral Rune + 1 Thul Rune + 1 Perfect Sapphire + Normal Helm = Socketed Helm of same type
The number of sockets created will vary. The item must be normal and unsocketed. Low-quality items and superior items do not work. The item gets 1-3 sockets, randomly. However, the number of sockets is then restricted by the maximum number of sockets that base item with that ilvl can have. For example, if you have an item that can only have 2 sockets, there’s a 2/3 chance of getting 2 sockets and a 1/3 chance of getting 1 socket.
1 Tal Rune + 1 Amn Rune + 1 Perfect Ruby + Normal Shield = Socketed Shield of same type
The number of sockets created will vary. The item must be normal and unsocketed. Low-quality items and superior items do not work. The item gets 1-4 sockets, randomly. However, the number of sockets is then restricted by the maximum number of sockets that base item with that ilvl can have. For example, if you have an item that can only have 2 sockets, there’s a 3/4 chance of getting 2 sockets and a 1/4 chance of getting 1 socket.
Thank ya!
I have a starter one. But now that I am almost level 87, I think it’s time to try to start upgrading my merc weapon. My farming run so far has just been Countess and CS, rinse and repeat.
Ah. Keep a lookout for an ethereal Thresher or Cryptic Axe. Use the cube socket recipe on them and pray for 4 sockets. (it can’t be superior, keep that in mind)
List and stats of elite polearms:
Thanks, again! This is something I should be able to find during my Hell CS runs, right? I’m sure that’s a dumb question, but just wanted to make sure.
Yup yup! It’s only a matter of time before a monster ploops one on the ground for you.
Best place is hell cows, in my opinion. I got a lot of white CV, CA, Threshers to gamble 4 sockets.
And yes, superior white items are not working with cube
Gotta pardon me, but was is CV and CA?
And is the superior version not working in the cube intended or is that a glitch?
CV = colossus voulge, CA = cryptic axe. Ethereal versions of these polearms with sockets are super good for merc (but very rare and expensive).
Superior != Normal so you can’t use It in recipe. I just found out myself after 20 years playing
Off topic, but is Hell Cows easily solo-able?
EDIT: I am wanting to start also farming for Jah and Ber, for obvious reasons.
EDIT 2: I am a Hammerdin, if that makes a difference for farming locations.
Imo you should farm CS if you’re also looking for HRs. Cows work aswell but CS should be the better place for runes and other good drops.
Edit: Take care about your mf when you’re doing cows, more mf = fewer grey polearms.
A weakly equipped Blizzard sorc can easily solo Hell Cows. (Sorc is by far the most popular starting/farming class)
I’m running with dual spririt, weak resistances, 4 socket ptopaz armor 3 ptopaz helm, goldwrap, chance guards, war travelers and I can plow the majority of the cows in about 5-6 minutes. I ignore the stragglers to save time, focusing on killing as many as I can in the shortest period of time… And of course that chance for juicy loot from The Cow King.
I have Wizardspike and HoZ with a PDiamond, so my lowest resistance is 74%. I also have 299MF and 75% block chance with Holy Shield up. Now I know I am not the best or fastest at farming, but I am having fun; these stats should be just fine for farming just about any location, right?
You shouldn’t have much trouble, just kite the cows into your hammers. You should be fine.
If your hammers are on your left mouse click, run away from the hoard while tapping shift. Zig-zag pattern to keep them close.
Like i said, more mf = fewer grey drops = fewer insight-bases.
If you want to hard farm the insight base, drop down your mf. But i think that isnt worth it, just farm enough monsters and a good base will drop.
I think that because I need so much on my Hammerdin, too, I may just keep my MF gear equipped for now. I know it’s been debatable, but is 299 in the “sweet spot” zone?
I need to create more characters for specific roles - a Blizz Sorc and a Javazon, but with my tight time constraints, I am trying to focus on one project at a time.
I can give you one. Hit me up.
Seriously?! That’d be awesome! I will send you a Btag request. I don’t normally get to play until about 8:00pm CST.
Yup. I have three or four bases you can roll sockets on. you’ll need ral, amn, p amthymst, and the base(s) i will give you. I think I have at least three.
Can you re-roll them as long as you have the mats to do so?