Battle net will end and merge with Microsoft store?

That scenario really scares me, I love battle net, what if they merge both of those stores together?

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No, everything will continue to run as it is now.

That doesn’t mean that games won’t also become available through the M$ store, but the app is likely here to stay. It’s too developed and engrained with the community to just throw it away.

If anything, the app will become available through the MS store. That’s good news for Windows S-mode gamers.

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I dont know
For me its easy for MS to kill/merge it
For who just spent 70b…1m merging everything is nothing

Next fase for MS is going after roblox if they didnt already

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Microsoft wanted to acquire discord not long ago, Battlenet is not as flushed out as discord in the social regard but they did do a lot of work lately about social interaction aspect

Games are far too integrated with your friend list system to put them on any other platform without making some big changes so I don’t think games would be available Directly through the store, only the launcher if it is not integrated

they might make the battle net app a part of windows itself though

Micro$oft has come a long way since Minesweeper and Solitaire, eh?

I wish they’d bring back the old Microsoft Arcade so I can play Centipede and Tempest again.


B-Net merging into the Microsoft store is an inevitability, but they can’t just scrap B-Net and move it ‘quickly’. It will take a while to integrate the two and move platforms.

You don’t buy a company and keep them separate though.


I just really don’t want my battlenet account to merge with skype, otherwise if they keep everything else the same I see no issue with Microsoft putting new life into the company, as long as Blizzard will be Blizzard

I hope of all my heart that will stay, but i don’t think so after what Spencer declared… " Phil Spencer wants to see “as many Activision Blizzard games” as possible on Game Pass, so the intent to move titles over has already been declared."

Sad day. Mabe in bonus we will have to pay to play, game pass is not free, you need to subscribe montly.

If it’s the case i will have to giveup, and just play back SC1 on CD on my pentium 1 and Diablo. Ahhhhhhrggg, damn you Bobby Kotick you will make me a burn out because of this !

wonder what MS thinks about JSP

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I invite you to look at what happened to Mojang and Minecraft sometime after the Microsoft acquisition. This is a real concern.


What exactly happened? Mojang still exists as a standalone developer with minimal oversight from Microsoft.

Every employee who remained with the company for six months thereafter was awarded a bonus of roughly $300,000 (after taxes). Under the oversight of Microsoft’s Matt Booty, Mojang’s integration was minimal, leaving its operations independent but backed by Microsoft’s financial and technical capabilities. The approach shaped how Microsoft would acquire other companies.

2 Likes is a huge icon of a brand, big enough that blizzard themselves couldent kill it when they tried rebranding it a few years ago.

Microsoft has been desperate for some kind of online community space and tried and failed to buy Discord not long ago.

Its a pretty safe bet that Microsoft will want to keep the brand and online space intact as much as possible.


Mojang accounts are being phased out.

Microsoft, has made it mandatory to migrate Mojang accounts to Microsoft accounts for login credentials.

If you own Minecraft on an existing Mojang account, if you do not migrate your Mojang account to a Microsoft account you will lose your access to the game you paid for years prior as Microsoft will be deleting Mojang accounts that have not yet migrated.

It’s entirely possible that 6-8 years from now, Microsoft will phase out Bnet accounts in the same way, threatening to take your purchase from you unless you migrate to a Microsoft account. It would be an ultimatum, not a choice.

All this you can easily fact check this by googling.
“Microsoft / Mojang account migration”

It is a real concern that Microsoft will force Bnet account under it’s ever-expanding umbrella. Microsoft is slowly forming a monopoly on gaming and while they promise all will remain well, they slowly change the game plans. A frog in a pot of water as it were. It would be a while before such things happen but, it wouldn’t be the first time Microsoft has pulled this crap.

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i play minecraft on my mojang account they didnt warn me about losing my account they just bother me about doing the switch

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Meh, that doesn’t concern me. I could understand why some people may feel this is a concern, but honestly, it makes sense to merge accounts into one.


I however, see it as a problem and I believe this is what OP was referring to. If not then disregard but, Microsoft has a habit of killing things it touches.
Case and Point, Beam/Mixer.

Microsoft has a habit of killing things it touches.

I agree. However, is a well known brand and I could see Microsoft expanding it, or outright killing it, eventually. Either way, it doesn’t concern me much. I already have accounts with both and if they merge them, so be it.

Blizzard kind of died once they merged with Activision so, who knows, their current state can’t get much worse, but it could get a lot better.

It has happened with Minecraft java ed. I’m really worried about this might happen to too, a merge with microcrap accounts. I haven’t done yet a Hotmail or Microsoft account, I’m on my right not to do so, not to agree with Microsoft toas or whatever reason I don’t have to tell. Let’s hope they never force the merge.

I think we should probably think about how much better work MS will do than Blizzard currently has done on developing their projects and worry less about what happens to a launcher. It will probably go eventually, but it will take a long time because this is what they’re using to take data from repos for patching on your computer, credentials, billing, and a lot more vital things for the games.

Edit - holy necro Batman


Microsoft has repeatedly stated that it is not looking to mess with things the way they are now. They know it would be a bad business move to needlessly force things onto a different platform and would end up hurting their bottom line.

They’re not idiots. They wouldn’t make such a huge purchase and then do something stupid like that.

Let’s just hope they clean house at least a little bit in terms of employees… fire everyone who can’t keep their hands to themselves, fire all the toxic workers, and fix whatever is going on in Blizzard.