Battle net will end and merge with Microsoft store?

Trying to play Diablo 2 online? Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Microsoft bought Activation/Blizzard. You better play Blizzard Games while they last.

daegda is so rignt. Microsoft has a habit of killing things it touches.

If Microsoft had invented the Light Bulb, Darkness would be the Industry Standard.

Everyone who has tried to get anything to work on a Windows computer knows Microsoft sucks.

I uninstalled Warcraft, Diablo Immortal, and Diablo 2 R.

I can not imagine them continuing to work in a Microsoft platform.

I wouldn’t be surprised one bit.

Having been in companies who went through buyouts I can tell you that nothing changes right away. Eventually though you will see rapid changes, RIFs and other really transformative events that will see the whole company changed top to bottom.

I suspect the return to the office event to be the first in a long line of getting rid of people. I know of at least two companies that did this prior to their RIFs (reduction in force) where lots of people are given pink slips.

So it might be good or it might be bad. It really depends on who survives the buyout. One thing is for sure not everyone will.


Lmfao what do you love about battle net? The crappy friend list? The stupid launcher? The terrible chat channels? This basic forum? Bnet1.0 was amazing considering when it was made, but there is nothing impressive about bnet nowadays.


I hope Microsoft doesn’t destroy Diablo 2.

Diablo 2 is the only Video Game in the World that has the characters just the right size for the Screen.

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Let’s hope so. personally hate having 15 launchers. Battle Net stands out because I only use it for one game. a game that doesn’t need a launcher. a launcher that has **** chat and social options.

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