Emm they WRECKED 2h ww (needs significatly more IAs to reach NOT a 4fps but 5fps, wich means slower fpa)
They also Made ww affected by slow effects … doing a ww in Cs may spell your death if decrep or slowed. Your attacks While slowed Will decrease While wwing. This was NOT An issue before.
WW seems clunkier then ever. Not sure what they fixed. 2hander is super slow, even more then before which already wasn’t great. Just feels whacked now. Even with dual griefs. Doesn’t seem to hit as much. Maybe it’s a bug or something.
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I agree with your 2 handed statement, but not your dual grief statment (needs clarification) should be fine with grief PB if you have 33 ias on both weapons (with no other sources of IAS).
WW used to get 2 free hits checks, at 4 and 8 frames, and after that it would take your attack speed into account. This allowed you to hit really fast by doing 2 whirlwinds per second. Even with a pike.
I could live with the WW changes if the skill felt better to use, but it doesn’t.
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I agree 100%. Thank you for reminding Blizz about the other barb skills that need some adjustment.
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Totally agree with OP.
And on the ww topic, even more-so if people were hoping to use a 2-handed weapon.
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I agree. We at Blizzard hear your plea and so we’ve decided to buff the Barbarian Stun skill so it stuns longer.
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I think they should increase ww attack speed with more points in it. Since they screwed it up. Give it inherent IAS with hard points, max to 40% increase. 2% per level.
Concentrate should have been 7 frames years ago. I mean c’mon. We have smiters at 6 frames and never miss 10k damage. Barb’s do deserve much more buffs. Especially when patch 1.11 came along and changed the entire game into a caster fest. Melee really got messed over.
bump. hope with new season we can have new patch notes. make conc great again! 
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Whirlwind is still a joke. All melee builds are.
As a die-hard barb user (my favorite class of all time), I agree with OP. Heck, if I could have it my way, I’d change it up to the following:
Concentrate/Beserk/Bash Skill: Replace max of 9 FPS to 7 FPS, and let 8 FPS be the new easy-to-achieve norm.
Beserk Skill: Reduce defense by 75%, instead of 100% during attack.
Concentrate Skill: Increase damage with each successful attack by 10-20% (based on char level or skill level + synergy level).
Defense isn’t super useful in PvM though, what if Conc got a synergy from Natural Resistance and you gained resistance while zerking and still went to 0 defense?
Someone else suggested Concentrate be “always hit”, which would also be pretty useful for it.
Maybe since Berserk is supposed to be about all out offense w/o a care for damage taken, maybe the Natural Resist synergy could be a bonus for Conc instead to buff it’s theme of improved survivability while attacking.
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I really like your idea on increasing resists while zerking. Actually, I f’ing love it. It doesn’t have to be a synergy either, just having all resistances increase while zerking could be very useful. For example, having all resistances increase by 1-20% based on beserk skill points. Additionally, it could also be based on total points into natural resistance (skill points + gear + buff points; that way we don’t have to invest a bunch of points into natural resist to get this benefit).
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