In light of the changes to whirlwind coming in 2.4.3, it’s important that the eias formula is normalized for all Barbarian melee attacks.
Concentrate and other melee skills are criminally underused because of the hard eias cap that makes them too slow to be viable, and in order to normalize eias they should use the same formula for concentrate, bash, etc. as they do for the new whirlwind in a patch 2.4.3.
This could also be mechanically important because of how whirlwind is being changed:
Changed the logic for determining how often Whirlwind attacks occur. Whirlwind now incorporates Increased Attack Speed (IAS) from all equipment. The frames between each Whirlwind attack are equal to the attack frame of a basic attack for that character (modified by increased attack speed). While dual wielding, the attack frame for each weapon will be averaged (rounding up). Overall, Whirlwind attacks should be at least as fast as they were before. Slower weapons will attack notably faster.
See bold. If a normal attack/concentrate/bash max out at 9 frames per attack like they currently do, this would mean whirlwind will also be maxed out at 9 frames between attacks, which is much slower than anticipated. Adjusting the normal attack frames to increase the upper cap will fix this problem.
100% agree make all barbarian skills useful at end game!
As a die hard Conc player, I totally agree with this point.
I agree with this. Conc barbs have taken the spot as the underdog in the melee world and they are not very competitive. Other melee classes (i.e., wolf druids) have been fixed and are in excellent shape. Hope to see conc barbs get the same treatment.
Hi, I agree with this 100% as a die hard conc melee player for the last 20 years conc barb has been my favorite character, with the changes to fury Druid and zeal already being op and elosing ebug prudence with D2r a change for conc needs to happen to make them viable again we cannot even touch a fury with the best gear available right now on are barbs and it makes you not even want to bother playing, I propose simply changing the frames on barb from 9 and 10 and dropping them down to 6 and 7 making barbs more viable to use in gm melee and also for the rare people who prefer conc for pvm trav runs over zerk since you cannot leech life or have defense in zerk… I’m sure I speak for all players who are loving melee conc users that a change needs to happen
first guy i`m not disagree who know later down the road
but come one guy slow down a bit the dev just fix a main skill level 30 for the barb is got other class to fix also last patch level 30 bersek and concentration have a huge buff with 20 skill free synergie with battle order lol give the dev a break , or at least thank them and showing them a bit of gratitude
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I think you’re drastically missing the point of this post.
Conc got zero buff mate idk what your talking about zerk did get changed but nothing about conc has been updated
yes your 110% right about Battle Orders my mistake with berserk
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If they don’t fix concentrate and make it faster it will make whirlwind very slow.
If I’m understanding these patch notes correctly, these new changes are a 100% nerf to Whirlwind. WW attack speed used to be 4 frames with Grief, and now it’s going to be 9. Twice as slow.
i guess i`m missing something not sure i understand
i guess i will have to wait and test everything live
Appreciate the buff to Whirlwind and allowing the versatility of new build options! I would also like to see a concentrate skill buff utilizing new attack speed formula. Long overdue!
Totally agree with this! Make barbs viable engame please! 
full agree. as a fury player, the 2.4 changes have been such an enhancement to my d2 experience allowing me to try builds i’ve always only dreamed of. however, conc barbs have been left in the dust, unable to compete with the already overpowered zeal and the now just as powerful fury.
it would be of huge benifit to the d2 melee community to give barbarians the same love that druids got with 2.4 and make them viable again.
wow i hope your wrong because dam this make any fk sense
because now with a 2 handed Great Poleaxe Breath of the Dying . i reach the 4 frame table , mean what the post say is a pure lie (Overall, Whirlwind attacks should be at least as fast as they were before. Slower weapons will attack notably faster.) compare a bashing attack or anymation cap is 6 frame with 200 ias for a Great Poleaxe
this make 0 sense
h ttps://
I 100% agree with InkAndDagger. I love playing conc barb but the current maximum attack speed of 9f is just too slow to make it viable at all. 7f or maybe even 8f would make the move a lot more usable 
I think the barb is very under preforming overall as part of the melee crowd… needs def speed changes and bonus def to ironskin/shout after getting rid of the def bugged armors that made them top dog defense wise now u can see/feel it. they def under preform. maybe add some splash dmg vs pvm so they have some aoe as a bonus as well for the non pvp crowd. but the speed for weapons def need to be addressed.
Yes. These are the real ones. Melee barbs should not be so bad at this point. They need the same love you gave to Shapeshifter druids
I’m really concerned about the ias change for ww.
when I saw the patch notes today I was so happy first reading about the ww fixes, and then I was filled with concern after I read the ias change.
it doesn’t make sense.
on paper it seems that it would be slower than ww currently is.
from an assassin perspective, ww currently caps out at 4frame whirl.
normal attack with claws caps out at 7 frames, with the attack frame being the 5th frame (afaik)
this change as it reads, would put assassin ww at 6frame speed with the changes.
anyone that has ever dueled with an assassin thats missing it’s ww bp, having 6fpa whirl… knows how much it sucks.
I really hope there is an error in the patch notes and the capped speeds are not nerfed.
from a barb perspective, it would be slower than 4frame whirl with axes in the same way. I hope this is not true.
or maybe there are more changes to make it as fast as it is now. with no ptr, we can only wait and worry.