Nope, universal solutions are boring
Buffs have to be tailored to the skill flavour
Bash: Bash’s Knockback now generate an aoe damage in the shape of the Knockback to mimic the knockedback monster colliding in other monsters
Stun: enemies stunned by this skill take x% more damage while stunned
Double swing: double swing now combines both weapons on each swings
Concentrate: concentrate now always hit, no longer buffs armor but instead grants %all damage reduced
Berserk: now adds the damage taken to the next attack as magic damage
Ww: gain attack speed and mana cost the longer you hold it
Because druid IAS changes worked out so well?
Every skill except Fury was nerfed due to the IAS changes in 2.4. The only reason Fury isn’t also garbage is because of the +40% attack speed increase added to it to compensate for the massive nerf.
While I agree conc needs buffs. Saying zeal is still overpowered is crazy. Fury druids are insanely powerful and overpowered right now compared to everything. The game play is even worse due to oak ai being stupid and induces huge rng.
Concs need a little something. I don’t think they need a huge change to be competitive because they already are. Just not compared to fury druids.
Fury can use more weapons now, but zeal is still stronger. All they have to do is put on BotdZ and guillaumes to beat Druids.
Correct pvp melee duels which no one cares about except for a select few. No one is referencing pve in this thread. Conc would never in a million years be used for pve.
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Because, as someone literally stated above, the attack frames are too slow for pvm.
Adjusting barb basic attacks by 40% like werewolf would make them used far more often in pve. Would be close to smite speed.
100% agree.
Fix the IAS so it can compete against zeal and now fixed fury.
Please buff the eias for conc so we can make use of more weapons!
#Make Conc Great Again
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this change make me worry a lot for ww all 2 handed table hit 6 frame this is a big big nerf for slow weapon because right now my 2handed hit 4 frame with ww , i use a 2 handed great poleaxe botd , the post blizzard make contradict himself . and let us confused
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Yep, it seems concerning that whirlwind could be very slow because of how slow the normal attack table is for the Barbarian.
Boosting the normal attack speeds would fix ww and also make the other melee skills usable.
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Well when I read the patch notes about Whirlwind, I just figured they are going to destroy that like they did with most shapeshift builds.
Really hope they don’t ruin it, and yes Concentration really needs a buff.
This is why they need to see this post. They need to adjust both the frame cap and increase base frames by around 40% of the normal swing attacks like concentrate in order to prevent all skills including whirlwind from being trash in 2.4.3
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simple question
this will not be more easy only to remove the restriction of a basic attack ?
and just let the ias add to ww seem so much easy also too code for the dev and not op
compare too modified and buffing 1 and 2 hand ias table because both table dont have the same frame structure for basic attack and both ww are in 4 frame
also you will have too change the basic attack of the assassin because is table are in 5 frame compare 4 for ww
Concentrate buffs are always welcome, especially if they can push it to slaughter overpowered fury druids. If that ends up being the case (which I would be happy with). We will definitely need to make a thread to buff the new underpowered Zeal Paladins because it will be lagging behind for melee pvp purposes.
So buff concentrate for PVM purposes please
it sucks and no one uses it.
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It looks like they managed to fix whirlwind without meting the attack speeds, so that’s very encouraging!
Concentrate should be able to reach 6 or 7 frames per attack though. It would be about the same speed as smite but without automatic hit. Much more viable in pvm.