If they got hit they will say it is because of the “lootfilter” they use.
I have so much fun right now xD
So back on topic… the people banned are still on the leaderboard. how long does it take do you think|?
and will it actually happen??
people who use D2jSP for Real money and all other stuff are allowed, correct? rofl
Drop rates are perfect. If anything, runes should be returned to their original drop chances.
I think they should stay and they should add cheater - before the name and add btag too as reminder.
Most likely next reset. maintenance etc etc.
You need to understand that sucking to blizzard on the forums wont grant you ‘a king of the forums who never cheated title’ (well, unless they do it in spite of this post) and you created yourself a large amount of UNfriendly people who won’t even talk to you in-game, right? I can navigate through a map without the assistance of another program, and we used it to a content that probably won’t even shine on your ‘godliness’ ever. Yes, in case you did not know, there is a pattern to most of the map layouts which would STILL let us farm without cheating and be on top of whining kids like you.
C’mon bro , what did you expect from people , sympathy ? understanding? One thing about ban waves they are always funny
I don’t expect anything from anybody. Cya ingame.
Nobody cares about the leaderboard especially since it was cheated by streamers
I would maybe care a bit more about leader board if it was more than a boring xp race
Have multiple activites like
Natalya bounty
holy grail
Is this another I hate streamers rant? I mean how did they exactly cheat? by having friends or community to help them? And why do you try to highjack every thread to one of your 100’s posts?
Nah move them to an extra tab called cheater. They don’t deserve to stay on the regular board.
What leaderboard, bro? What is wrong with your head? What the pro’s do is beat the game in 2-3 hours and start selling power on websites for real cash. Are you that stupid or what? Who cares about the leaderboard!? Something is wrong with you. Definitely…
And still the banned characters remain on the ladder. Could it be that this is just about money and Blizzard is taking their chances that the banned players will repurchase copies of the game in order to continue playing? They are relying on peoples addiction to the came as a part of their business model.
If this was actually about stopping hacks, and cheats, and trying to make the game more fair, they would delete the characters of banned accounts off the ladder. Otherwise, it just looks like its about money, and they had an excuse to force more people to rebuy the game.
Given how functional their lobby is currently I would guess it has more to do with not being automatically wiped from the boards. I would imagine in a weeks time they will be wiped.
The funny thing about mh is one can only know about it from past experience. Repeat offenders should have ips banned from past bans imo.
you wanna bet i can’t get that title? Kid, i’m 9 time Gladiator. Pick any adjective, i’m probably a Gladiator of that adjective. I got my first Gladiator title as a healer in Shadow form. I don’t play games, i become them, and they me. You know what title i choose to wear? “The Insane”. Because Gladiator titles are just too easy for me, i only wear difficult titles. You think i can’t get Queen of the Forums?
haha you don’t know me very well. Challenge Accepted.
i dont agree that nobody cares about lb’s, but dang i want those things.
i aM a 9 tImE gLaDiaToR. Claps. Congrats
When I say “nobody” I don’t mean it literally
I mean the vast majority of people don’t