Banned but remain on leaderboard

i dont feel it’s a fair result.

I bet if you put up a strawpoll asking
Do you want
-Updated lb’s w/ E.G “SSF leaderboard”
-Basic lb’s
-No lb’s

you’d get a different result.

Please stop trashing my thread.

The droprates dont suck.
They got banned because theyr cheaters.
Impatience is a baaaad thing. :laughing:

Well to be fair, mrllama is still on the leader board as well.

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Did he cheat? I dont think so. I mean… He s a streamer right? Cheating on air? :laughing:

Then use people using maphack and D2jsp rmt to give him tons of expensive gear

Is everything alright man? No you can’t. And if you DO, I will have the last laugh. Let’s do it a waver tho. A $100 says you can’t.

most parents read their kids bedtime stories when they go to sleep.

my dad just put in a tape of No Retreat, No Surrender every night.

The leaderboard is a show of whoever had the most help reaching 99. Followed by some cheaters and legit players mixed up. Either way you wouldn’t be on it and it is a WORTHLESS achievement. It is simply an accumulation of time spent and not exiting in the least bit.

Fine. I embrace and commend this kind of attitude.
megator#21659 is my other account. You may message me at anytime with a proof.

While in HC there is a function whereas a dead character remains on ladder until someone surpasses them … I feel they should implement something of the same lines for “easy-core” to have them drop off [if banned] once surpassed.

However, I strongly feel if they have a list of banned accounts, why can’t they simply use that list and apply it to the ladder board and purge it of those names?? Not sure what it entails, but simply removing them shouldn’t be that hard.

Regardless of them being banned, having them “proudly” displayed on the leaderboard still advertises that cheating gets you notoriety.

I was on, and still am on the leaderboard top 100 HC and never cheated.

Still doesnt answer the question as to why these people are not removed from the leaderboard now that they have been banned.

Because the leaderboard is worthless. XP is worthless. Level 99 is worthless.
If you ain’t first you’re last. Teo got it, your position doesn’t matter.
Because the upcoming lobby update is much higher priority over a worthless leaderboard you couldn’t even comprehend it.

teo didn’t get first 99 in HC. and honestly, whoever got first in SC, still doesn’t win imo :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol I can definitely respect the HC grind to 99 more, still not a priority in my mind ever, but I can for sure respect it. Stayed safe for a very long time. I actually don’t even know who hit HC first or if it has happened yet (I assume it has).

I wish I could play HC, I’m find with the consequence for dying thing, I’m just not fine with all the bogus deaths that happen to people. Server issues or internet, characters staying in game after exit. If I died because I was dumb, I would for sure be mad, but I could laugh it off because I was being dumb. But dying to some bogus connection issue or some weird combo of mobs that is simply one shot OP I wouldn’t find that fun.

ya my only death in ladder so far was that big DDoS they even claimed to have happened. still no rollback on that… HOW???

but now i’m almost 96 again. there’s almost 30 lvl 99’s in HC now.

but i have the views i do about sc / hc because well softcore is the mode you play your first couple times to get a feel for the game, what’s dangerous, what you can handle, and after that you play SC to duel (which has been ruined) or play HC for the item / level grind.

so softcore to me is not for a race to 99, at all, who knows how many times teo died before hitting 99? 0? 1? 2? i don’t know. and they could lie about it, because it’s softcore.

hardcore, you know they haven’t died. there is that challenge that you have proved you haven’t died. and that is a huge deal to me.

I absolutly comprehend it. It seems to me like you don’t understand what the LADDER is. The leaderboard is what makes the ladder what it is. I’m not saying it’s the only thing that matters, but it IS what makes the ladder. It also isn’t true that being anything other than first matters. I, among others enjoyed racing up the ladder even when we knew we weren’t going to be first. If you don’t care about it, thats fine, good for you. But it is not worthless.

By the way, I AM talking about HC.

I do agree that there are higher priorities, but it would be nice to know that projected money from new game sales was not the only motivation for Blizzard banning the cheaters. If they actually had a goal of stopping cheating, they would show us.

Ladder has a leaderboard. The reason ladder is popular has NOTHING to do with the leaderboard. It is about the fresh start, new characters, and adding value to your grind. Early ladder your shako is worth a high rune, late ladder your shako is worth a couple pgems. You have 3-4 characters for different things all decently gears at the end of ladder. Early ladder you got to focus and figure what you really need. You can enjoy racing to nothingness all you want. But ladder position is only important to the feeble unless you’re going for first.

Even talking about hardcore. If you’re not first you’re last and a loser. Nobody cares that you finished 85th place in the world and 34th as a pally.

Your last part is a bid confusing. Blizz bans to make money in this game not to keep a balance or clean ladder. I don’t think it had anything to do with immortal/D4 or whatever. They ban them late ladder everytime to make more money. Thats it.

The above statements show just how little brain cells you have left.

You being confused by my last part confirms what I just said.

I wish I could have an intelligent conversation about this, but that would require some intelligence on your part.

Man your post certainly contributed a lot to this conversation. Zero facts or opinions, just insults. Easiest way to tell when someone’s argument is weak is when they leave substance behind and only have insults.