Baalrun Etiquette

As much as these points if followed allow for a perfect Baal run.

You can’t get mad at people for not following them… it would be nice if they did but who cares if sometimes you get an MFer or no XP in wave two or any of the others. In the end you’ll still get XP even though it’s not the optimal amount.

If I ever saw someone getting upset at someone doing/not doing any of these things I would probably tell them to relax and just keep playing.


Etiquette doesnt exist in this game, there are no rules.If you can do it everything goes.Surprised me when people would say Go or G for dueling lol. I was like yeah whatever and just went out there.

currently top 50 paladins

this post was more intended to simply help people who are interested in learning. i had to relearn almost the entire game when d2r was released so im simply giving that knowledge back for people who maybe wonder about stuff and are interested in being good players :slight_smile:


Rules for being a good host:

  1. Leave immediately after the last wave dies and make a new game as quickly as possible. Baal is useless until like 97. Just go.
  2. Don’t waste time saying NG. We get it. Just go and make it immediately.


I my post was intended to simply say that no one should get upset if people don’t follow it.

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Don’t make a public game then and make a private one where you set rules.

I consider /p8 hell cow runs leveling not Baal runs. Baal drops good stuff so of course people are going to magic find.

See my response to your #1.

Nope. Sorry. See my response to your #1.

See my response to your #1.

Actually see my response to your #1.

Is this OP for reals? LMAO what is up with all these insane threads today?

it’s up to host obviously if he wants to do baal or not, since he is the host.

it is his game and you respect how host wants to level. some want to kill baal just for the loot.

its not a starbucks, karen. host doesnt owe you anything. you can always make your own run.

hence, respect the host.

It is NOT his game. It’s an open game on bnet that anyone can join. Now, he can make a private game with a password and claim it as his … but as soon as it’s a public game, he is nothing, nobody, has no control, owns nothing, has no say whatsoever, no matter how egotistical with control issues.

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the animosity and opposition in here is simply unbelievable.
leecH good thread, unfortunate for some of the attitudes and responses.


If this is a discord group, if this is a public game, good luck with that one.

Public game? This is a fantasy.

These rules are fantastic for organized runs set up by discord channels. Otherwise, they’re a hope and a prayer. Still, at least this wasn’t a maphacker post saying the game is dead now because they got banned.

No way are you top 50 paladin with all this nubcrap you are spouting

These rules just reaffirm that levelling to 99 is a waste of time and effort , hence that there are so called hundred thousands of players playing and yet only just over a hundred 99’s.

If you are going for 99 it should be a premade group, not a bunch of Randoms. You remind me of the guy who gets upset about PuG groups in WoW, you’re expectations of people are way to high.

Not quite a perfect game as people make out.

If they are set up via discord, then there is no issue. You make a passworded game, you agree to the rules and you join it. Once it’s a public game, all bets are off.

Back in the day, there was a group of 16 of us that were friends on jsp. We would meet up and make 2 baal runs that were passworded games. Then we’d baal for hours. We got a few people to 99 that way. But we rarely ran public games due to the chaos and due to the fact you cannot successfully implemennt “rules” in a public baal run. It ain’t gonna happen.

exactly, there are no rules in this game lol.

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“Respect” is for all levels, doesnt matter if the player is high or low lvl.

It’s an open baal run, everyone have the equal rights, “every man for himself” (This will work in private game subject to everone agreement)


thank you. i suspected that people get really upset in this forum if you talk about how to be a decent and nice player, being respectful and attentive so everyone has an overall better gaming experience.

everyone who is a decent player and reads this forum can now see what kind of player roams these boards.

but im sure there are a few people who actually want to improve so i will keep monitoring and answering questions :slight_smile:

probably top 30 after they clean up the leaderboard from hackers. i know what im talking about, you dont. take it or leave it.

further; there seems to be a general argument that “there are no rules in a public game” or that its a “fantasy”. this is confusing to me, since many people adhere by good etiquette in public runs. also, if you are in a public space in real life, do you not behave or try to be decent? when you are in a train, do you listen to loud music because “well it’s a public place i can do what it want”. well i guess judging by the replies, you guys probably do.

  1. Wrong host doesn’t mean anything.
  2. Do as you please in any game that you want.
  3. Higher level just means they spent more time grinding, no reason for respect.
  4. Don’t ask, just do. If they’re in your way either push them out or find a different game.
  5. Leave when you please. If they want XP they should get it done quickly.
  6. You can afk as much as you want. Throne P8 is easy, 2 players can ez it.
  7. Don’t open the next game this guy is right, that move is dumb AF. You’re literally only kicking out the host you clowns.
  8. Theres no reason to even call NG ever, but you probably don’t need to call it either.
  9. You should follow this trick if you care about XP he tells the truth. But it is also only 1 wave of missed XP so be lazy if you want to.

What you’re describing isn’t respect, it’s submission.
Respect is a two-way street and isn’t determined based on who you deem is higher or lower in rank.

I was in a public baal game couple days ago where the host tried demanding noone else go in to get the baal kill, half the players left and he no longer had the p8 benefit. It’s a bit rough to expect that other players will assist you in reaching lvl99 in public runs.


the players don’t owe you anything either.

Fixed that for you. And… well… no.


I just did some baalruns, first moment I see some level 95 sorc in Chaos, or something I immediately quit out and remake the game.

Even before I open the portal to the throne room. I’ll just press P see who is where, and then Save and Exit. I did this 3 times in a row before the leacher figured it out and stopped joining. Went on to do 10 or so clears.