AVX Issues / Game Launches, then Crashes on Older Processors (CPU)

If you buy a new one, be careful that the new CPU supports AVX. But we still don’t know which version of it is currently needed. So if you’re unlucky, buy something useless. Maybe waiting for the fix should be more reliable.

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Just to give the team data, i have this issue with a Core i7 920, GPU NVIDIA GeFOrce GTX 1650 Super, ssd 680 EVO 1tb drive, corsair 24gig ddr3.

really bummed im going to be a noob when everyone i play with is going to be maxing already.

Diablo 2 Re…fund. Cant wait for Diablo 4.

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this is absurd.

to think this game came out before 9/11.

and they still cant launch it properly.


Everyone go to bed and duck your wives and look forward to tomorrow’s slayings!

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Core i7 920 doesn’t support AVX sadly, welcome to the club :frowning:


Naa stay guys , and help us reach that notable amount > 10000!!!

I have an interview processor with Intel 620 UHD video card and it is working, but keeps dropping. My girlfriend has 600 UHD with I7, and it won’t even start!

For anyone who wasnt aware, you can scroll through customer support replies at the bottom of the thread, there is a button with blizz and an arrow that will show you the replies. At least on mobile anyways.

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ok, if you google “WARNING: Do not buy on PC if your cpu doesn’t support AVX”

go to first result. scroll down a bit, and you will see 2 responses from PezRadar about it. not sure where the part is where he said tomorrow was more likely. maybe further into the post…

also, I keep calling him a “dev” but that may not be correct lol. I just call them all devs

D4 is bind on account D3/WoW - nothing has any value as it is untradable so no point playing. Wait for POE2 - they actually care about their client base.

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Here if you want to see the actual statement

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I bet blizzard is yelling at their female coworkers to fix this problem. Like man up. Be open on whats happening and not hide it. I’m waiting on them to delete this XD


yeah ive been on this forum since 4 lol pretty depressing, but we are talking to the B list team here, they aren’t the ones going to be fixing this game. they just read the emails the engineers are sending

I am not personnally a pro when speaking of game developpement… But I am curious of one thing. Apparently they messed up with an option they forgot to turn off… Maybe it’s me idk… But why they don’t make copies so they just go back and redo the things when this kind of s*** happens? No?

Look guys this was earlier today

been here since 8am myself, and have read all 1100+ replies… sure wish I was playing instead…


So I tried a few things found in this thread and none of them worked. Now when I hover over the start button in battle.net app it says - You can’t play Diablo II Resurrected yet - and button is a dull blue instead of the bright blue it usually is. So now I’ve gone from getting the client to launch - seeing the Blizzard logo start to display with sound to now I can’t even attempt to launch the game. I guess D2 has not been resurrected after all.


Thank you very much for the flowers.
I especially like to help when such a heck bum gets cheeky.
I don’t understand for the best sake how one can call it a bastard, especially since it doesn’t change anything if everyone starts talking hotly and insulting each other.
Then there are still unqualified assumptions without evidence that should only fuel the whole thing, with the intention of hitting blizzard even harder. As if they would only solve the problem faster if you let off particularly lousy statements.

What makes you an expert to be able to evaluate the situation at Blizzard at all?

I’m neither a mod nor do I want such a strenuous and unpaid job, especially because you have to deal with guys like you.

But since I can’t play at the moment for a known reason, I might be able to do something useful with my time and show the newcomers the way. what’s so bad about it?

“quick patch” 13 hours into investigating, “somehow something” sounds like real NASA engineers over there