AVX Issues / Game Launches, then Crashes on Older Processors (CPU)

cual parche?hola disculpa cual parche? y donde lo encuentro, ahi t paso los detalles de mi pc

por fin puedo jugar con mi gt 710 2 g de ram y mi procesador amd phenom ii x6 y 10 g de ram jejejejjeje
gracias blizz tarde pero gracias ya puedo jugar

open a ticket and include a DXdiag report

Nombre del dispositivo PC
Procesador Intel(R) Coreā„¢ i7-9700 CPU @ 3.00GHz 3.00 GHz
RAM instalada 16,0 GB (15,9 GB utilizable)
Id. del dispositivo 7A74805A-2D40-4C69-B3B4-39CF8AF9F10D
Id. del producto 00330-80000-00000-AA257
Tipo de sistema Sistema operativo de 64 bits, procesador x64
LƔpiz y entrada tƔctil La entrada tƔctil o manuscrita no estƔ disponible para esta pantalla

estos son los detalles de mi pc. ahi lo desistale y lo estoy volviendo a instalar, pero me podrian decir que parche?

Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t understand your language.

Just tested it and it now runs, I played about 10 mins without issues.
It took a minute to load from the first logo until the press any key screen where it was just playing music on a black screen with a cursor and the d2r logo at the right bottom.

I have an i7 875 K with 8Gb ram and RX470 8gb videocard. Goes well so far.

I did cap the framerate to 120 fps before starting a game just to be on the safe sideā€¦

I did yesterday but its gone unanswered :confused:

A separate forum post or a ticket like HardDrive mentioned. DxDiag and Msinfo (msinfo only if on a ticket) along with any error codes will be helpful.

Ticket replies may still take a bit. The launch was basically a flood gate opening and the queue went up by quite a bit. Really though itā€™s the best place to have someone look into the issue on a 1 on 1 basis.

yeah they are not super quickā€¦ I know it sucks.

ahi lo estoy volviendo a instalar a ver q ondaā€¦

Strange on my Samsung A9 ultrabook 4core AMD it starts and the loading screen : ā€˜ā€™ press any key to beginā€™ā€™ and when I press a key a message comes up:ā€™ ā€˜you have not been online the last 30 days. Please start the game while online to check for any login agreementā€™ ā€™ what does this mean dear blue post officer??

Buzzing it now works on my i7 860 gtx760 :slight_smile: thanks blizzard :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

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Working on my old Phenon! Thanks for the effort to fix it Blizzard!

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10 more minutes from my birthday 5th of October.
Thank you!


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Still haveing issues
I7 4960x Processers

a los que le funciona actualizaron o hicieron algo? x favor diganme

Working perfectly with my i7 970 ā€¦. Thanks
Hope avx will not require for diablo 4

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i5 - 650 @ 3.2
GeForce GT 1030
8gb ram

Should it run on this setup?

Re-installing fixed it - thanks folks !