AVX Issues / Game Launches, then Crashes on Older Processors (CPU)

I can launch the game just fine after the patch and I can play offline but when I try to go online it says “Cannot connect to server”, and if I try again it says “you have not been online the last 30 days. Please start the game while online to check for any login agreement”.

What do I do now?

Same on me happens cannot pass that

it happened the same to me. I just relaunched the game and it works

Just to make sure…
You do launch the game over the battle.net application right?

First it run fine. I made my Blizz to reach clvl 13 then after restart bad luck. It gets laggy and connect

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as troubleshooting:
A) I have moved D2:R to nvme disk
B) re-installed from the installer
C) checked the file consistency

I have hecked the Task Manager. The game is alive (CPU and RAM values are changing) but it lags. I have seen similar behaviour by some other (non-related apps) and it was due to connection (rather the response) from the server while the client waits for the response.

Mac Pro, 3.1, 32GB RAM, 1060, Windows 10 - current. nVidia drivers updated today. (Actually re-installed Windows today so this is a clean installation.)

I’m not sure what you mean. Is there any other way to launch the game? I open up battle net app and I click Play. It launches just fine, then initially it tried to connect to bnet and it says “cannot connect to server” or something like that. Then clicking again brings me to the character creation screen but in offline mode and I can play offline, but when I try to click on the online tab to create a character it tries to connect again and sends the message “you have not been online the last 30 days. Please start the game while online to check for any login agreement”.

Thank you Blizzard~ Although it was a long time late… but finally I can play the game

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still can’t create a game and the rare chance that I can it won’t let me portal anywhere without crashing

There is a .exe created after installation which also launches the game. That’s why i was asking.
You could try to clear your Battle.Net cache to see if it resolves the issue. Here is the link from the Battle.Net Support:

Issue resolved. I forgot I refunded the game haha, so I needed to buy it again. It works now after I bought it.
However it IS strange that I was still able to launch and play the game offline even though I refunded and technically did not own the game anymore. There was also no indication from the game itself to tell me you don’t own the game.

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Thanks for the fix blizzard, runs perfectly now with my i7-860 :smiley:


Haha! That’s a good one! :slight_smile: :rofl:

Glad you found out though! *high five

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Yeh for sure, see you in game brother!

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You know if this actually works for me it would be really typical I original thought I had to go to Best Buy and get new computer upgrades but with those links (AMD) Im able to upgrade it through online so thanks for the help hopefully it will work.

Tested also, did not help

So this is still crashing for me even with 2021 Sept NVIDIA driver updates / GTX 1080 / i7-7700l and this patch out. What is the actual patch number that shows on battle.net launcher for this fix? I see “10.5” but obv this is not what is being shown. I have version 1.0.66063 showing.

I have the same version.

Had the cannot connect to server error.

Was able to play offline.


Can now play online.

Thank you for the free trial to reassure the safe purchase.

I see. So what is our current recourse other than going back to refund a second time? Not sure what else can be done to fix this if the AVX patch isn’t addressing the problem. Reinstalled it twice, cleaned the cache, ran updates, and can’t get past the same issues as before.