AVX Issues / Game Launches, then Crashes on Older Processors (CPU)

Да, обещали тестить на выходных и выкатить в начале недели, я просто беру с запасом, возможно что они отделаются голубым постом о том что им нужно ещё немного времени. К примеру до пятницы)

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All I wanna say is that, they don’t really care about us.


There’s no set date for the patch only this…

I’m sure to get flamed for this but the folks who have a processor that while fast, is under the minimum specs (that were provided by Blizzard beforehand) are waiting for a fix based on the fact that the beta ran OK for them.

Why is it taking so long? Because there are people that do have AVX and they want to make sure they aren’t hosed by appeasing to you. If my performance goes to hell because of the removal of AVX, I’m not going to be happy. My performance in launch is better than it was in beta and I’d like to keep it that way. I’m within the guidelines, if you have a processor that is 10 years old, why should legit folks suffer?

Either that, or make 2 clients…

No, the problem is that my CPU is from 2017 and the minimum one is from 2012 and i still can’t play.


What CPU is that and does it have AVX? If you have a different issue, I apologize, but the minimum specs were provided.

Are you a blizzard sent troll or what?


Actual troll. Making noises and ish.

It’s a G4600 with no AVX. The accessibility to a game should not depend on a define set of instructions from a certain type of CPU but on his capacity to be able to run it. Some here have CPU’s that can run latest FF but can’t run D2R. You see where’s the problem ?


Get new hardware please. You cannot expect publishers to support 10years old mashines. You will get a new mashine and can play other latest games, too…

А я как дурак на каждый следующий день надеюсь)) На начало недели надеюсь, потому что дольше уже некуда тянуть.


LOL, all latest games on my “10 years old” machine runs of ultra setups.


no thatss not true.

I bought new mashine last year because latest games started to be unplayable like d2r for you.

My computer is 5 years younger than the minimum requirement, that’s not the issue. The issue is the usage of AVX only. I don’t really care if they are using it to code the game but you need to make it playable for those who don’t have it too. Like i said, some people here are playing the latest games out here at max settings but can’t play D2R. And yes, publishers have to support different types of CPU since it’s not like a PS5 version in which everyone have the same CPU.


I also run games on ultra in my 10yo machine

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Alot of data From launching and its nothing yet. Based on how much fun i have enjoyed in the Play>Launching >Play>Launching game…no comment.

I buyed in june Diablo 3 Reapers of souls just because it included D2R pre-purchase.

You have failed on all categories, gameplay, community, releases, functionality, patching, standalone company, social enviorment. You’re The Last mythic in this world of gaming. A boss who have it all and lose IT with all bad decisions that make Blizzard,Activision so lame. Shame on you.

The Shop page is never broken, how could IT be?

And for example, a game like Wot…they can do stupid patching… But they have max 2h solving problems or they are doing smart moves on The way with Large server population live.

Last euros spend it to activision wallet. Hf.


Your asking people to spend around a 1000 dollars if they play on a PC like how my computer costed when I bought it in 2015 yeah sorry that will never happen most people dont even have that spending money even now with inflation happening on a global stage.


If you meet the minimum requirement, you should be able to play. thats true.

“Начало недели” - уже почти конкретная дата)

Got a question for you…If next year a new CPU come out and it have a new set of instructions called…let’S say… TTZA on it. But the CPU you got last year don’t have it. Does that make your CPU too old and you have to change it ?