AVX Issues / Game Launches, then Crashes on Older Processors (CPU)

What deadline? release date? it’s been almost a week. If Im correct, they haven’t specified an ETA so no real deadline that I know of :confused:

por cierto todos los juego menos los de blizzard suelen decir a instalar este juego no es compatible por que blizzard deja que te los descargues

I have given up and completed the refund the day before yesterday, I think Bli$$ard will not fix this problem (at least not in the recent schedule)

In fact, the proportion of affected gamers to the overall gamers is actually not much, and it has not harmed their overall income. There is no need to spend time doing this.

They don’t even reply to this issue anymore,just look at us as a joke.


google translator… pepehands:
tenemos que diferenciar entre desarrollador y empresa. eso es seguro. el desarrollador está vinculado al contrato con la empresa, pero sigue siendo su trabajo. va un poco como en el género artístico. Aunque no puedo decirte cómo se comportan Blizzard y otros países. seguro que sería bueno ver si blizzard puede ser demandado desde países específicos debido a sus políticas, jaja

Out of curiosity, has anyone else here with friends playing heard of CPU overheating issues? I’ve heard from more than one source that this is the case.

How I’m relating this to AVX is that I think they are offloading graphic code inefficiencies onto the CPU. If that’s the case, we may be looking at a very long timeline to fix. They’d have to overhaul the upscaling to use more GPU resources. Since we are a minority of users, they’re going to put it into a much more comprehensive performance update for all users once the hype calms down.

Let’s hope these incompetent drunks get it done by the weekend. Wouldn’t that be beautiful?


I cannot launch game . it started to crash after patch yesterday .before then I played well.

I’m finally released from their “re-education camp” bois.

Please note NONE of the patch notes till date even mentions the AVX conundrum. NONE. If they were working on a fix or even attempted one, they’d at least mention it in the patch note.

I’m old… I was already old when Diablo 1 launched and even before that, I’ve managed IT related projects up the wazoo. And trust me, it’s all about incompetence and plain old hubris.

I’m no programmer but when it comes to projects… Big big question… With every build, don’t they have versioning? What did they do with the previous versions? Did it just get overwritten?? You mean to tell me a million dollar company have no backups? No version achieves to roll back on? That the LIVE BETA version was a total fluke that was not included in the rollback loop?? That a COMPLETELY intentional instruction set that HAD to be CODED in was accidentally “turned on” by an intern that was skyrocketing on the “herb” prior to launch day??

Biggest CROCK of secret bovine excrement I’ve ever heard.

DO THE REFUND and never look back.

The worst kind of baiting is nostalgia bait. Money for most of us here is not that big an issue. It’s the nostalgia baiting that hurts the most. I got the old gang back for this. Bunch of old potbellied good old bois taking time off from the nagging missus to relive a bit of that hype that is D2. Beta looked real good and handle like a charm. The end product kick us old fellers to the curb and spat on our old geezer faces. Not cool… not cool at all.

Do yourself that favor. Close this chapter for good. It’s dead Jim, it’s dead.

P.S. I forgot the ASCII art…



sigo jugando el LOD jejejjeje

Will someone who is unemployed and/or artistic write a spoof of this situation to the tune of Stan by Eminem. I feel it the situation in analogous and fitting.

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I’m back from the re-education camp myself, never getting excited for another hype train like this ever again then to be put into a concentration camp for complaining, I guess I can thank blizz for illuminating me on what to look out for, I’m one of those old time fellers myself and thought I wouldn’t fall prey to this crap its been over ten years.
I’m going to stick around and watch this ship sink now though.


hello still no patch? it’s not professional at all !!!

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Well said… :clap: Really have to wonder about this project team. If I did this on one of my go lives, i’d be having the door hit me on the butt on my way out.

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they said a few more days like last time, they will do that maybe a couple more times then say they need around 6 months or more, they messed up. but now say we are all below minimum, which means more likely a big no.

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that’s not going to do anything.

but they moved the goal posts, so yeah, they ain’t fixing it and we ain’t playing it.

Refund this . Show them with you wallet! thats all they care about .

Blizzard, HELOOOO? Where is patch? I have AVX compatible machine and game still dont start. Almost week has gone. Why i must experimenting with my soft after buying your game? Omg, Blizzz deserve all pain and problems that fall on them, and much more after WC3 Refunded and this catastrophe now…



Funny, before I found this comment of mine in the twitter search, now he hasn’t fixed it!

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Hello! Any update first the AVX issue??

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