AVX Issues / Game Launches, then Crashes on Older Processors (CPU)

Forget technical support post #FIXAVX on all blizz social profiles.


And there’s more I don’t follow or support any streamer that transmits the D2R because they are hiding or rather they chose the wrong side!

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Por lo menos dejarnos jugar modo ofline :slight_smile:

I’ve refunded. Like most the beta worked for me. It’s too bad, I was looking forward to this. My first computer game was Diablo 1. Big fan of 1 & 2. There’s many more games out there to play and honestly I’m probably not missing much since I played D2 to death in high school. Blizzards reputation, at least to me, is in shambles.


Is there any information when they will fix AVX?

Here is mine: (i7-2670QM 2.20GHz). According to Intel, I have AVX.

I tried a lot of times to come in and managed one time, started character, loged out and couldn’t come in again. Lagged while loged in.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to language. Forum Code of Conduct - Blizzard Support

This is not a topic for you. Here we are discussing a problem with AVX. In this case, the game does not open at all.


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I am using an i7 and I can’t run the damn game. I have 16gb ram, and while my gpu is slightly older it’s better than the minimum required.

BUT I RUN D2 LOD JUST FINE. >.< So I’ve been playing Path of Exile.

Its a shame that Blizz was/is telling wrong informations about AVX and dont see the need to implement it as optional feature, instead of required.


Found error code -1160773631

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Well, tomorrow will be a FULL WEEK we haven’t been able to play this game due to this company lying and being dishonest.


Wouldn’t have said anything or bought the stupid game if the BETA didn’t work. I had zero problems playing the beta. Now when the game is live the game client is crashing? I mean come on that’s just inexcusable.


sadly the devs have the right to make such changes. but i think all ppl with this issue should have a 100% guaranteed refund, since the product was sold BEFORE avx was implemented or mentoined

ive played it since the day before yesterday
got an lvl 8x sorc, the problem occurs with the last patch for me (2 days ago)

que va eso de derecho de cambiar nada de nada lo que han hecho es timar a la gente para compra un juego que en la beta se podía jugar y en el lanzamiento no y no avisaron de nada eso es engañar en mi tierra españa xD

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no es problema avx si ha podido jugar el parche ultimo era para arreglar lo de mapa jejejejejje

Guys, stop waiting and hoping they will fix this. just refund and get the game when it works if you want. Dont let blizz sit on your cash, take it back.


ich kann dir nur sagen, ab wann das Problem aufgetaucht ist und es war definitiv mit dem letzten Patch, davor 40h ohne Probleme gespielt Kamerad

mira a comprar la copia de 50 euros que te da trafiguracion de objetos y unas alas no puedes rembolsar por lo tanto el perdido 50 euros y solo tengo unas alas para diablo 3