AVX Issues / Game Launches, then Crashes on Older Processors (CPU)

Ya shifting the blame to the consumer is pretty scummy.

“Don’t you guys have new cpus?”


you have to create a ticket. you’ll get some BS about “we dont normally refund like this, but you’re lucky just this one time”

Well, good for you, i did not on my side…

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Thanks for the answer and for not been a smart @ss.

when i try to get a refund they say “You have played this game too long” omg blizz HOW if i can’t even open it


Ugh, not the news I was hoping to hear today. Sounds like it’ll be ready when it’s ready…just like Diablo 4.

Smart on blizzard scamming people that cant play… and now having trouble refunding lol

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“While CPUs without AVX are below our minimum spec”

if thats the case then why isn’t it apart of system spec?.. why have it disabled during beta where it would work on our machines making us believe that this wouldn’t have been an issue. Well, going for my refund now, thanks =/


being* Please, learn to be independent.

For those who want a refund submit a ticket with your error messages. I plan on waiting it out, but have been informed that I could refund. Just make sure to communicate with them it can take 24-72 hours as they are very backed up from what it seems. Sincerely hope it will get fixed soon, I know my brother really wants to play diablo together too.

Welp that’s a refund from me for now. Maybe it will be fixed by the time ladder comes out and I can pretend I got to experience the launch.

Really shady tactics going on here.


I love how metacritic shows a 4.8 rating right now what a joke.


The conspiracy is becoming more and more believable. It’s really hard to believe a massive company can be this incompetent.


everything activision does takes forever, even refunds, they sure took the money as fast as they could, please dont call them blizzard anymore, there is no blizzard anymore… just a name, like craftsman



There are many CPUs that are inferior to i3-3250 that also has AVX support. And they said themselves that it was not suppose to be a requirement, this was their mistake and they still try to put the blame on us instead.

You can see it in pretty much all blue posts now-a-days, even when they admit fault they still manage to blame the costumers one way or another.

Edit: And there are plenty of CPUs that are superior to minimum recommendations that does not have AVX.


I have applied for a refund, and I don’t want waiting forever.
The mood to play this game is completely gone, there is no excitement or anger, only disappointment.

I can play the game normally during the BETA period.

Now the announcement says that my computer specifications are below the requirements.

Are you serious? What is the meaning of BETA? I really don’t understand.

Instead of solving the problem, you choose to let the person with the problem disappear.

Congratulations on your success! :wink:


Please refund. They even asked you to refund on the meantime. They are clearly using the refunds as a yard stick to determine if its worth “fixing” or not.


Fact. Refund or wait forever.


:-1: @Blizzard …
Refund !!!

:point_up_2: I wanted to give the other finger but apperently that emoticon, while choosable, isn’t allowed : f u :