AVX Issues / Game Launches, then Crashes on Older Processors (CPU)

so we’ve got exactly what we all knew was coming… an update on the fact that there’s not going to be any update for us that need the update the most… we can’t even start the game ffs… yea go on devs be proud about yourselves on twitter about how many pushups a week you do and how all of your friends are rushing their 2nd chars thru hell allready…


It’s done. Finnaly refunded.

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whats the refund link?

:joy: very true dude, hilarious.

it’s in the blue post.

as thank you for the kind refund message their servers should be DDosHugged forever hmph :pouting_cat:

Where? i dont see it

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right swide of the messages you can scroll OR use the buttons below scrollbar → buttons with “blizz” on them showing you the posts

Anyone know if the intel® core i3-3250 that they have as minimum requirement have AVX ?

Mano… na moral… eu espero que voces tomem um mar de processos nas costas, nós pagamos por essa bosta, jogamos os 2 betas, compramos o game full…
Estamos esperando tem uma semana e vamos entrar em uma nova semana sem solução!! Kra é inadimissivel… Somos tratados como lixos, fomos enganados, lubridiados e jogados a escanteio.

Vcs nunca mais vão levar um real meu nessa vida!!

Empresa lixo do kralho


i love the retroactive adjustment to your minimum specs to exclude us as though its our fault.


Ok I honestly have been here reading and waiting patiently. Don’t you people at bliz DARE start spewing this bull “under system specs” horse crap with me. First off we all are in min requirements. Second off my wife, my friend and I ALL have newer computers with AVX supported CPUs and NONE of us have been able to play. We ALL get the same click start black screen error as everyone here. So how about you just SHUT THE HELL UP AND FIX THE GAME! I’m TIRED of this INCOMPETENT COMPANY blaming everyone but the crap game they pushed out.

It’s not us



Because I for one do have the money to start a class action big enough to paint you idiots in a bad light in the news YET AGAIN. I’m a very patient person and didn’t intend to say a word but this blaming us for your ghetto rigged bullcrap game is NOT going to fly with me.

Fix it



Just google it man… Asking it like that is almost literally asking other people to google it for you… -_-


yes it does → Additional features
Intel® SSE4.1, Intel® SSE4.2, Intel® AVX

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“While CPUs without AVX are below our minimum spec”

Are you f* kidding ? My pc can run AAA games but cant run a 20y old game ? F* joke

Get another excuse. Leave the gym and start working.


Everyone, start refunding.
You all know that Blizzard is worse than indie game companies, right?


What do you think i did? I could not find the answer on google, i came here in last resort in case someone know.

I am trying to get a refund and they say I am not elegible for a refund. I am going to burn their company :rage:

I found your answer on literally the first link google spewed out.