Autoclickers are in full use again

This is actually a problem if a controller just can auto pick up? How do you deal with this in multi-player?

You cant people even think there pickit user everywhere already

Did anyone see this in beta? or no one cared enough I don’t understand how this slipped through the cracks and I don’t see a solution to it at all

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Because it didn’t matter in beta, economy was doomed to die after second weekend so hackers just waited.


The solution is the same as every other multiplatform game. You isolate the console players to their own little world where they can cheat to their hearts delight without ruining the game for everyone else. You don’t see FPS games supporting aim bot for certain players

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wait console characters can also play on pc? You can power cheat on console with 0 effort tis why i dont own them minus a switch for mario and Nintendo games!

I played with ppl running pickit in D2 legacy. You still had a slight chance. One thing that is clear is that controllers can sweep up loot before it hits the ground, and sometimes before the text is even visible.

Much worse with controllers using a auto feature on the A button.

This thread is filled with people who actually think D2R’s integrity will last beyond the first ladder. LOL

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Except Blizzard also disabled the ability to pick up items with telekensis. They basically made every effort to ensure the PC version of D2R will be dead within a month

I find it sad that the player base just accepts cheating is apart of normal gameplay. I don’t know a single player that doesn’t Bot Diablo 3. Why even bother playing the game anymore?

I find it sad that people continue to hope that Activision will suddenly change their ways and not do everything as a complete cash grab. The stress you must feel being let down repeatedly.

The difference between you and I is that you hope they’ll change and I know they won’t.

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What a surprise in a game with FFA looting system. Have fun.

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The FFA looting system worked just fine until Blizzard decided to add autolooting to Controller support thereby giving Console players a guaranteed win. This is what happens when employ morons who don’t actually play video games to design your video games. You take a guaranteed winner Franchise like Diablo 2 and screw it up. They did it with Warcraft 3 and now Diablo. The entire Development team should be fired.


What if there are 2 console players? Who wins? May be it’s FFA system is the actual reason of this? Keep defending this stupid system until the end. I hope it will be soon enough.

Is this the new plooters tactic because they realised nobody wants it?? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :clown_face: :wave:

You are not playing with Console players. There is no cross play. Console Players only play with Console players. There is cross progression, in that your data saves between platforms, but you can’t play with someone on Console.

You are playing with PC players who are using a Controller on their PC. Controller support for PC was advertised as a feature starting with the game announcement in February and was in the Alpha and Beta. There were no secrets that it had a different interface and functionality. They talked about Controller use on PC as an accessibility feature too for people who have physical issues with Keyboard and Mouse.

Your feedback that they can loot too fast is certainly valid, but there is no cheating and it was not a secret.


Do you have any ideas on how to balance it out from a technical standpoint?

Me personally? I have never even used a controller and am not familiar with the features and how they interact with games. That means I have issues speculating what tech change to the controller functionality might resolve the issue of “rapid looting” giving an unfair advantage in PC games.

They COULD change the game itself to have “personal loot” in that even if you kill the boss as a group, each person will see a single person game worth of loot that is just for them. With the ability to trade what you get between party member. That would ensure you don’t get 8 people getting an 8 person game worth of loot just to themselves.

Gold is already shared, so that part is dealt with.

Of course, that is a very very very contentious issue that has been the focus of huge threads for months now with some pretty strong feelings on both sides.

With few actually looking for the middle ground that preserves the economy but removes any advantage given by having a controller on PC, being closer to the boss as melee, etc.

There IS a perceived problem for many - the question is how to solve it without ruining the feel of the game.

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This is why if I group with randos I do it for leveling purposes and expect 0 loot. If I want to farm things for loot I do it solo or with friends.

Not sure if it is against the EULA but there are ways to use mouse macros in order to spam click certain buttons. I don’t want to go into too much details on this or name any software because i don’t want to get banned for advocating cheats.

Proposed loot distribution system for multiple people that click on the same item(s) within 0.5 seconds:

RNG chooses the winner, they are awarded the drop.
If 3 people click on a shako within 1/2 second, they all have 33.3% chance of getting it.
Otherwise, if no one else clicks the item within 0.5 seconds, first come first serve.
This would mostly be for drops from bosses, but would apply to all items dropped in the game.
It should be relatively easy to implement.

Personal loot doesn’t belong in Diablo 2.