ATT:Blizzard Lost shared stash items PS5

Please look at this post Items Disappearing from Stash

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I’m having the same issue, the update to fix offline and online characters with the same name being deleted has already gone through.

Today I logged in playing offline mode with my only character and my last shared tab was completely deleted and I put all my 20 + runes in there and I was going to make a Lore Runeword and now I can’t….please help fix this bug blizzard, thank you for the remaster though, i’m having a blast and know you’re doing the best you can!

Yea… same thing happened to me!!!

This Game is STILL NOT Ready For Prime Time. This has happened to me a few times and I thought it might be my Imagination. It’s NOT.
I spent an Hour yesterday Combining Gems and Runes and when I booted the game up this morning… ALL that Progress is gone. I have no idea what else may have Changed or been Deleted.

The Game is Crap.