Assassin - what would you change in skills

I would revert the change to dragon talon and bring Kick sin back where it belongs.

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In LoD kicks always required AR, if the charge ups like tiger strike actually worked better it wouldn’t need to be a smite imitation for it to be good. Having Tiger strike passively gain charges would make Kickers, both talon and tail much better. It would make up for the lack of ED from weapons which is what I think their problem is. Tiger Strike might have to be toned down a bit 1500ed at level 20 is crazy.

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It’s Zax’s make believe thread. Sorry you can’t enjoy broken kicksin.

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Reverting to 2.3 Dragon Talon would be more broken I would say. Honestly playing the forums is more fun than the game at this point.

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Improving the martial art tree, I know they already buffed it but it is still not enough for making a good melee assassin.

Also give the wake of fire more shots.

Shadow master/warrior should deal more damage.

I would love to see ice traps, but this would mean to add new skills, so this won’t never happen lol

Being able to use shadow warrior and shadow master at the same time.

Make venom more powerful so that we can play a cool poison sin :slight_smile:

The assassin has so many cool skills and only 2 really good endgame builds, it’s a shame :frowning: . The class needs definitely more love.


Real improvement for MA tree seems a long process and would take a lot to balance out. However, skills that have problems that are easy to fix and see why they’re a problem to begin with seem to linger even after several patches. If they can’t manage to fix the easy ones how do u think they’ll be able to fix the difficult-to-fix skills at any point in time?

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Correction there if I may, Venom has been sh*t in terms of damage. It has not been at any given point, powerful. It’s a filler skill.

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You are correct, it has never been powerful, what I meant is that they should make a powerful skill out of it so that we can play some nice poison assassins :slight_smile:


Nor has it been any significant except for dealing with P immunes that are easily dealt with Reaper’s toll in the first place. You’re not even supposed to spend time killing P immunes in the first place. If Venom weren’t anything but insignificant filler then it’s just a skill that u really rely on infector and lister for the mean time not having Reapers. Not to mentiion, there are other options like Azurwrath or gimmershred or any spectral elemental weapons available.

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Nein, Nein, Nein, I want the venom skill to be great.


If venom were to become significant, maybe making venom convert 50% of physical damage to poison that also deals intantaneous instead of just adding measly poison damage. Or even add additional ar for christ sakes as if hit checks for dtalon is not the worst news i’ve hear so far.


Hmmm I have to admit this sounds not bad converting a part of the damage.

Yup this way at least u have dual elements and dtalon would not suck too much. well… it would still suck becuz of the hit checks.

Honestly MA right now is really worthless and I would not spend any time making a barely viable build just for the sake of making it. What I’m really pissed about is Blade fury. It really has a monstrous potential with just few add ons to the skill mechanic *coughs ricochet/pierce and animation removal.


Lets see, basically all of the left/middle martial arts tree, Psychic Hammer is useless (which is fine, but Holy Bolt was also useless yet is now insane, so), Venom isn’t as good as it really should be (make it more like Poison “Enchant” or something), traps are by and large in a good spot though


Venom has not been good mate haha. It’s either they remove it or change it entirely imo.


“Poison enchant” seems like a good idea. That way we sneak in the idea of aditional ar%.


Not sure if you’re aware but when using a finishing move, it uses one charge instead of all charges prior to 2.4. In other words, what you want has already been implemented.

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How about making Mind blast and Psychic hammer synergies. either increase the damage or chance of conversion maybe?

As far as the Venom issue people are having how about add some open wounds to the skill or even adding open wounds to claw mastery? Barbarians have mastery skills that give them a little bit of critical strike. I feel the assassins melee side should have its own.


lmao I totally just realized that… what a dork :sweat_smile:

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