The first character I ever made was a nat sin dragon claw character, I thought I was hot stuff, then I got some good tips for my second character barb, which I never really lost BVB unless someone was wearing all eth gear.
I wasnt around pre ww nerf (where it was based on weapon ias when I started). I divulged a little in PD2, but ended up making a frenzy barb on that for season one, and haven’t played it since.
I just feel like barb, since my understanding since my inception of 2005, used to be a pretty solid character to farm pve, and pvp with. BvC, BVB, Zerk (which I also didnt mention got a nice buff on the build structure) just seems pretty lackluster when compared to other characters as far as farming techniques.
Maybe zerk will be the end all be all for PVE with this iteration of the patch.
I didn’t play any of the PTR but kept up with most of the top streamers (Llama/Coooley/Dbrunski/Sweet Phil/GingerGamingMentor(Super sweet set upgrade videos)), and read up on the forums.
I guess I was just really hoping for something more, the AR is actually a huge bonus, as well as the other changes to the overall character’s play styles.
If grim ward helps Zerk barbs, pit farming could be HUGE early game (if you find a weapon, i mean lets be honest here, if you are melee and you have a stick, you hit with the stick and it breaks even when poking the enemy in the eye, then you cant have a run on sentence this acute about being pigeon holed into laughable damage for any melee class.)
Even Larzuk farming zerker axes is a taxing avenue, as you might not get the damage needed when you craft with said axes. Is it possible? Of course it is, I have done it single player and in ladder resets. Is it fun? Maybe…
Barb needs help in some way, I don’t know how to pinpoint the major issue though.
Gear checks/drops/crafting aspects/overall % damage from MELEE skills could use buffs early on. Maybe that is the key, give them bigger damage to start with and diminish them in the late game (but not too much )
I guess the devs really are walking a thin line with barbs, I just wish I didn’t have to rely on 129837093248472 AR to hit paladins (man do they really need the best block in the game…), I still think they are the MOST OP CLASS and they got a huge buff to FOH, in PVE and PVP.
I just want more barb love.