Anyone else think barb is becoming dumpster tier?

Blizzard literally destroying the game by not listening to it’s player base. Dumb as

We can now add WW to the list of dumpster tier.


thank too the dev brilliant idea :roll_eyes: too change ww

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% of damage done as melee splash to weapon masteries…would love to see that.

I would much rather see much higher damage to single targets, so groups would still go down faster just one at a time.

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Deeper and deeper, way down, way way down. Deeper and deeper.

yep diablo 2 re barbarian is just very very bad right now

i just enjoy my path of exile barbarian any issue so far 1 hand and shield or 2 hand weapon are good same with dual wield everything work fine also have a bunch of skill

just sad playing d2re barb right now

To make barb at least a useful ladder starting class, they could add to all combat skills someting like:
Adds up to +5 Weapon damage per level, scales with weapon base speed (before +% damage is applied).

without a runeword for physical characters like “spirit”, its difficult for a physical character to be a useful ladder starting one.

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we have grief, but the cost is prohibitive. perhaps having it like spirit and HOTO, a cheap multi-use one that buffs damage and adds AR or AS, followed by farming to get grief.

Too right. Also the passive tree is a mess u must theoretically respec ur barb every time u find something that’s an upgrade but no… u can’t use it. Just make 1 hand mastery 2 hand mastery and shield mastery with thorns maybe and ffs make WW proc chance on hit. How is it balanced 200 fcr sorc is melting everything everywhere and 5%chance to cast 100 more damage from a spell is “game breaking”. But plz fix the trash passive tree why have 6 weapon masteries it. No one is going to bad mouth you if you copy PD2 we all know u want to.

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They need to blend masteries in to one handed vs 2 handed so barb can use variety of weapons, AR needs more buffs and some more AoE ( damage not CC buffs )

hoto is not that cheap compared to grief. Also Grief might be the most efficient weapon in game if we take in account a cost to performance ratio. It’s an endgame weapon for a Lo basically

I’m thinking HOTO and Grief are similar expense, but honestly don’t follow the market that well.

I see Oath as the cheap stepping stone to use while farming Grief, but, while relatively cheap, is still more expensive than Spirit, and IMO harder to find a suitable base for.

IMO Unbending Will sort of fits the bill as a melee version of Spirit (for barbs at least), however requiring 6 sockets limits the suitable bases, although at least Barb character can use 2H swords 1H unlike Act 5 merc. Otherwise you’re stuck using PB that has very low base damage with a RW with high ED%.

But Unbending Will is Ladder Only (and Spirit isn’t anymore in D2R) and still more expensive than Spirit.


It still requires an elite base to use, and honestly you are still going to struggle with damage if you put it in anything besides a colossus blade. So really the only viable choice you have is Colossus blade, requiring 6 sockets, because why waste a socket quest on an item that you will temporarily use. So then you limit to only using cube recipes to get 6 sockets or pray that RNG helps you with your 6 socket elite base.

Keep in mind, this is just to do minimal damage as a melee character.

If you’re talking about Unbending Will, then I agree to an extent. It’s annoying that CB is really your only option since the %Ed makes pb a bit of a waste.

That said given the price of the runes I was thinking it might not be too bad in a Executioner Sword as a progression weapon.

I agree anything with that rw is probably a waste of a socket quest, but if you are starting fresh with melee then I personally am okay with burning socket quests to get over the difficulty ramp up humps. Once you’re established it’s not terribly hard to get more socket quests from alts anyway.

Either way I agree melee needs more help

Agreed , ww barbs suck in PvP. You have to clip every character now since no FHR animation which means you can’t even whirlwind stun… Zons Absoulately own us now with impale which can’t be blocked, smiters destroy us , necros destroy us, wind druids destroy us… Ww barb is dead pretty much

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Barbarian needs is 100% hit chance none of this 95%/5% chance to miss! give barb something that gives us a little bit of an edge. Since we depend on hitting and leeching to survive, its not like barb can just switch to a range spec… any other class can just easily go range barbs have no range at all so at least give us the chance to always hit no matter the level/difficulty.

Barb needs buffs to hitting enemies ,tired of this dodge/block/evade/avoid 2frame block 60k def nonsense.
Barb should hit stuff, like hulk. Hulk Smash. Fix WW mechanics, lower IAS requirements for WW, OPEN UP GEAR OPTIONS, being DECREPED or SLOWED ruins gameplay for MELEE not casters.
IGNORE TARGET DEFENSE would be nice for masteries, get rid of it being tied to a 4 yard shout mechanic.