Am I doing something wrong?(Travincal)

For m’y griffon on my paly it took 3k more runs to See it drop in my chaos run.

I did 2k runs last week

  • 2 Ber
  • 1 Zod (when it was TZ’d)
  • 1 Jah
  • 6 Um
  • 10 Pul
  • 5 Gul
  • 4 Vex
  • 2 Ohm

Pretty decent.

wow, gratz that seems like alot. what player count? and were you doing hork barb?

1 and yes oh and I found a cham, but that landed in my shako so I didn’t bother mention it. I knew I was going to find no mal and Lo runes, since I got like 30 mals and 11 Lo’s this season already :smiley: .

nice nice, i might have to make a barb, havent played one in like 10 years lol and never tried an item find one

It’s pretty costy, but worth if you grind like a beast.

is it? ill have to look up a guide or something, ive leveled a bone necro to 89 and wind druid to 88 so far this ladder, so i have SOME gear but it’s mostly caster stuff

I have a cham’d shako maras (or highlord) 6s ist CS + Grief Wartrevelers chancies goldwrap 1 rare 10fcr ring on swap double wizzies for max fcr breakpoint for enigma (tp) and the other ring doesn’t matter something with double/all res or an SOJ.

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It’s specifically a good rune farm FOR farming HR’s and generally best with something like a HORK barb. Or something that can do 40 second runs.

What works for me personally when farming runes is just running around any map popping chests/rocks/Logs. And killing random trash mobs on the way to bosses.

30 is not a lot of runs for trav. Just keep farming, your time will come.

Ive found 4 Griffons from Chaos.

Believe it or not I have not found a griffons yet. I think its the last item. Also idk what’s going on but, I have not found a shako either. I obviously traded for both of them but still. I’m cursed lol. I have found every rune several times though. RNG

If he hasn’t done them in a while or is less geared, a Dwarf Star and Ravenfrost will make life a lot easier. Frozen can get you killed with no viable leech and the hydras are bad when you’re gangrushed by the council, too, till way better geared even on P1.

Rng is a beast sometimes, ive found 1 Shako day 2 of Ladder but thats the only one. Seems Shako is more rare than Lo for me haha.

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This says something profound about the state of society.

And this is why D2R has a super small player base, and isn’t getting an Act 6 and is why D4 has all of its designs. Cause it sells, babe.

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