Am I doing something wrong?(Travincal)

yeah im definitely seeing that now

but ya the trav run hype, is MOSTLY for barbs, granted trav will drop you something eventually, it’s just way more efficient on a barb, especially p1.

wind druids aren’t exactly the best… at anything, except for staying alive. if your goal is to stay alive and kill everything at a decent pace then druids are great.

but that’s why many people create multiple classes, to farm certain areas more efficiently. good luck !


Arcane Sanctuary and yeah you need to do players 8 with high MF. Trav is more for farming gear but you still need to run it thousands of times. Sometimes you’ll go hundreds of runs without a good drop. There are yt videos that can show you what to expect specifically from Trav runs.

I did close to a 1000 runs and no higher than ist dropped. EDIT: on barb with find item

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This guy wants a jah rune in 30 runs.

This cat needs to know that Trav drops A LOT of crafting recipes.

ist for 20 sols
ist for 20 rals
ist for 10 prubies
ist for 10 pamethyst
ist for 40 jewels.

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i started doing trav runs this season with a hork barb ive found 2ohm, mal, ist mainly on players 1…one of the runs dropped mal ohm in same run…i figure your in the right spot but it will take a lot of runs and a lil prayer to rngesus…gl with your grind some hit it big real quick some dont hit at all…also keep in mind i was hork barb so i got a chance at double the loot in 1 run

people are liars. and they just play single players /8 mode for way more drops cutting their runs down significantly. the other scum just jump into other game types with lots of players trying to do something together, and just farm trav in those games regardless of how bad mannered it is they dont care about anyone but themselves.

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#1 rule in d2…you don’t farm in d2r while expecting ANY particular item.

Just get that out of your head, don’t compare yourself to other players and just play builds that are fun while you kill as much as you can in the limited time you have. D2 is a slot machine, most players go home with nothing.


tower isn’t more rewarding…rune cap to vex from countess

for ghost mobs arc sanc > tower…however on the huge downside is they can drop they’re items off the road(unlootable)

you need P8 setting if your farming Travincal or even Arcane Sanctuary otherwise you get to deal with “no drops” boxes rolls

30 runs on P1 is way too little amount

P8 setting require 200-300 runs for 1 HR(Jah quality) on average

P1 setting will require 800-1200 runs due to the “no drop” boxes that game can select

Hork Barb is only more efficient than an Hammerdin for Travincal farm IF they’re well geared…otherwise they’re far bellow…especially early ladder where they struggle a lot more with crappy weapons…and personnaly i rather stick to hammerdin for rune farm on P8 at Travincal(dont gotta deal with any immunities and they dispatch Trav quickly)…at least…more efficient for Runes specifically…because Horker have like no mf while killing :S(mean not many unique items dropping)

MF dont affect runes drop…only blues,rare,set and uniques

EDIT: oh about “no drop boxes”…they are in large quantity on non-bosses enemies

non-bosses have like 4 “no-drops boxes” with 1 “drop boxes”
meanwhile bosses have like 1 “no-drops boxe” with 1 “drop boxes”

with P8 setting bosses get 0 no drop boxes and enemies drop from 4 to 1

also to note this is a simplified version of how loots drops work
the actual mechs behind it is more complex…but the results is about similar to what i wrote above

I got 1 Jah, 1 Cham and 1 Sur in 20 years of playing this game on and off (SP). Do you have any other questions?

The runes (RWs) are the carrot on the stick that makes this game work. As soon as you have the runes (RWs) it instantly becomes boring.

I wouldn’t stress about runes, as they’re not needed for anything. There is no content to be done with OP RWs other than the one you already did 10.000+ times. If the game doesn’t feel fun anymore just move on to something better, no need to dwell in a 30 year old game that’s still not fixed.

You are mfing wrong. Kill en mass and pop every chest/tomb/basket, not just a few end act bosses. Most of my HRs have been from normal type monsters and chests, even act 1 Fallen have dropped Vex on occassion.

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The average high rune drop from travis about 400-600 runs. So if it takes you 1 minute that means you wont see a high rune till 10 hours of farming.

This is ON a BARB–who can hork the council which means they can essentially get 70% more drops than you can on your druid.

600x1.70= over 1,000 runs before your druid sees a high rune. So about 18 hours.

Trav is really only good on barbs. You’re better off farming elsewhere on a druid like cows.

Try running the pit in act 1 - it is cleared easily by wind druid. The phys immune and stone skin of the trav is reducing your speed / drops. Trav is best for barbs with Find Item

Lo from her rune table non tz. Her special drop was up to ist?

Oath is more than enough to farm travincal as a zerker. You don’t need more for p1 and after you get grief you can switch the rest of your gear to more mf.

It’s just boring to run endless travincal. And for anything else you would want enigma on your barb.

You’re not doing anything wrong. This is the current state of D2R. This is the video game. So much fun and challenging right? Totally not for bots/dupers/exploiters and is for legit players right?


Not your guys game i guess. Do not worry, D4 comin soon. You are geared fully epic by lvl 25 to make you feel skilled ez :slight_smile:

I hope D4 is good, but I don’t see it replacing D2 or PoE for me, been playing D2 since i was 10. Why do you want to be offended so badly that you keep popping in to moan about people asking questions about things they genuinely don’t understand yet? Did you make Diablo 2? Does anyone not knowing something about the game shake you to your core so thoroughly that it becomes a stain on your family’s honor? Relax dude.

Yes its normal.

But travincal and others place for farming require more then 30 runs is nothing and should expect nothing from 30 runs.

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i don’t, was just curious if not seeing ANY runes was normal, took me over 50 runs (about 50 minutes) to see a single rune which was an amn, then got 2 sols 10 runs later. I’ve never seen anything higher than a Vex drop in over 20 years of playing the game off and on, granted most of that is on single player as a dumb kid who knows nothing about area levels or anything like that, so ya I don’t expect to see a Jah or any other gg rune drop any time soon