Allow us to "Larzuk" additional items for gold fee

You seem trapped in the way it was done before D2R. This isn’t 2002. We are pumping out socket quests by the thousands.

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I think it would be neat if Larzuk would give us a one-time use tool to add socket(s) to items for the quest reward. (Sort of like a Ramaladni’s Gift from Diablo 3) We could stash the tools for later use. It’d make ‘buying’ a socket quest safer. It’d bring a bit of convenience to players who want to use the tool on their own items without having to swap items/characters.

I know I’m probably going to be chastised for mentioning something related to D3. It’s just my opinion.

if i was stuck in the ways of lod before d2r i would agree with you

back in the day people had rush bots with accounts full of normal socket quests ready to go. they were ACTUALLY pumping them out by the 1000s back then

it’s not like that anymore lol

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Have you ever heard of the Horadric Cube?

It’s a tool that you can use to socket items and you can stash it in your stash for later use.

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No, been playing the game for 20 years, what is that? Is it like the puzzle box from Hellraiser? :smirk:

I have given multiple examples of community events and I have participated in them myself. It is exactly as I have stated. A complete abundance of sockets.

Dude, you can easily get 1 million gold within a few minutes with certain builds in Hell, and even when you have zero extra gold find, it doesn’t take long. People would socket everything and socketed items would lose all value.

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Why would you ever stash your cube (other than transferring it to a mule) when it gives you extra inventory space?

But in all honesty it would not really effect any thing pretty easy to make a new Char rush him to act 5 do the quest socket item delete char rinse repeat.

people saying adding this would break the game have clearly never had any friends, rushed a character, or been on d2jsp … socket quest takes like 10 mins to get to with literally ANY other person… This literally only holds value if you have literally no friends, unable to ask a random for such a stupid thing, or don’t have 20 cents equiv of forum gold lmfao… seriously the elitests in this game make me sick… It has nothing to do with BIS , it has nothing to do with OP , if it was OP , it would take more than 10 mins to get it on a brand new character lmfaooooo


make the game take more than 20 mins to beat , and maybe it would have some value… But realistically , nothing that’s not RNG in this game is worth anything. It’s the games own fault by design.

socketed items don’t have value lmao… Anything can already be socketed within 10 mins of gameplay… The only things that hold value with sockets are ones thats BIS is less than max socket or ACTUALLY can’t be socketed ( blue / rare )

Elite bases are lauging at your comment, a 4os eth cryptic axe or a 3os archon plate are quite expensive still and not something you find all the time.

Yes they do. Any superior 15ED eth elite polearm with 3-5 sockets are valuable, any elite base really. Try getting a 4os superior Grand Matron Bow +3 skill +15 ED +AR for anything less than Bers.

lol read your own comment… 3-5 sockets, 4os crptic axe, 3os archon plate… LITERALLY ALL NOT LAZURK QUESTS LMFAOOOOOOOO

Allow us to get Jah and Ber runes for gold too please.

ANY Polearm with lazurk = 6os
Cryptic axe with lazurk = 5os
Archon plate with lazurk = 4os
Grand Matron Bow with Lazurk = 5os


It will ruin the Monarch and Fortitude base market at BEST lol…

Yeah. Someone else (maybe it was you) tried to sell me the same crap.

I normally play Amazons. Recently, I decided to try a Paladin Smiter. Found a Normal Broad Sword while Questing. Took it to Larzuk. Should have gotten the maximum 4 Sockets (according to your information) to make a Spirit Broad Sword. Larzuk only punched 3 Sockets… not 4.

I ended up making my Pally a King’s Grace Broad Sword instead.

From now on, I’ll only take Exceptional and Elite items to Larzuk…   like I used to do in D2:LoD.

Can you get 6os on a CV with the larzuk quest?